They knew

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Slowly opening her eyes open Sandy viewed the landscape of her room. Her teddies all in a row, each with their own precious and individual names. Carefully she shuffled her way around them to reach the warm radiator which was heating her ice cold skin. She gathered her self together in a mess and stumbled to grab her lukewarm tea. She knew that her friends knew that she knew, there was no simpler way of putting a complex situation other than a confusing statement.

Fading into the darkness her eyes gleamed to awake with mutated heads of her friends... Blood dripping down, their eyes piercing like a knife in the eye. Hair half fallen out matted into strands of pure and utter evil; all smothered in rose red blood.

They shouted out in the eeriest whisper to find me. "Find us, find us." It got louder; louder, louder. Shh. Silence.

She came back into sudden reality. She knew that they knew that she knew. We all knew.

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