Pools and poles

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"Ahhhhhhh" Zoe came running in screaming at Sandy just like a little sister would!

Sandy replied with merely a grunt and got up out of her small bed, unfortunately still with tear stains. Reaching over she grabbed a cereal bar that she had left there from a while ago and munched her way through it. It was a beautiful, sunny day out so her immediate reaction was to go for a walk.

She put on a baggy top, shorts and sandals to make sure she was comfy. Then leaving the room not forgetting her sunglasses and phone. Calling out goodbye, she left the house with a mere be safe from her mum.

She went over to the crystal blue lake she saw the other day and gazed into it seeing the little fish swim and splash about with glee and excitement for the sun. She didn't have any bread to give to them so she just sat there looking at them. Then randomly a boy strolled past and sat next to her, Sandy was in complete and utter shock. A boy with piercing blue eyes and adorable sweeping hair sat next to her.

She looked like she was having a mental brake down.

Sandy whispered " hi..."

The boy replied with " hey, your hair is really long"

" yeah, aha it takes a long time to dry"

" I can imagine, so what's a pretty girl like you doing out here? "

" Umm nothing "

" Wait do you think I'm hitting on you or something? "

" Are you?? " Sandy giggled

" God bless your soul, I'm gay as fu*k so it's all good"

Sandy thought to herself, so much for my luck! At least I might have a friend?

" Oh okay cool "

" Shit you aren't like from that west thing baptist church are you? 'Cause if you are I am straight as a pole "

" That pole has a dent in it.. Haha! No don't worry it's fine! Are you talking about that Sheerly girl?"

" Oh my gosh yeah! She bloody scares me"

" Yeah, she is a bit off, anyway what's your name?"

" Jake, you?"

" Sandy... I sound like a beach"

" No not at all it is a pretty name!!"

" Aww thanks but I have to go, I'll
see you around"



Maybe someone actually understands?

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