Tiles and cracks

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The rain continued to pour down as they grey sky frowned upon all Sandy did. Dirty and crumbling apart the tiles on the roof still were more comforting than blankets and pillows, they kept her feeling alive.

She jumped back down with a thud through the window into her room now drenched in the smell of freshly fallen rain. Not to mention she was soaked all the way through her clothes.

She stripped down and ringed them out trying to get every single last drop of water out. Curling up she grab a grey onesie and sat down on they floor. Her eyes looked at the ceiling counting every tiny crack that would have ever been made. Studying her room and just trying to make sense of where all her things came from by looking at the finer details.

We all need to step back and look at the little things in life, how did this tree grow here, or how did the world form. You need to ask yourself questions not only about you but about what's around you.

You can only know yourself once you've fallen in love with where and who you are.

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