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Sandy walked into the crumbling building, people from every friendship group surround her. She had at least 30 minutes until class started. As she walked by people saw her and tugged her long brown hair. You could hear them whisper about how she try's to be cool and original but fails. How she doesn't look like that and wears too much make up. About how pale and fake she was.

Sandy just felt better that people knew of her existence. Normally she would walk around a crowded corridor with not a notice of her. People laughing and giggling but nobody noticed her. She felt isolated in a room of people. She would just want to make there pouty faces at them and laugh. She wanted a way to say something and voice herself. She wanted to tell and yell at them all that they are boring. The isolation would eat away at her like a dead carcass, she didn't want to be alone.

She would stumble her way through the doors, with people not even bothering to notice her existence, people who couldn't keep the door open for her. She hated it. But she didn't want to be surrounded by people who made her different to who she is.

Now this whole time you would have probably thought that Sandy had no friends. Well she does, Carman, Rachel, June, Sam, Alica and Lily. There was a girl called Katie who was okay she guessed. She likes them, but they don't understand her feelings and her self awareness. They wouldn't understand how she felt if it slapped them round the face.

Her first lesson was art with Miss.Rhomn, nobody particularly liked her, so they all sat where we wanted. Sandy had never coped well with stress and people taking her stuff. As I have said she thinks of things differently, she wants her voice to be heard in a room of screams.

She sat down at the table, her 'friends' sat around her. Katie shouted over about how if Sandy caused any more drama she would flip. To Sandy's dismay the table nodded with disapproval. Hopping up she went over to get some paper. Seconds after she got back her pencil case was stolen.

Now the thing is this pencil case was extremely childish, it had flowers with happy faces on it and butterflies covered everywhere. To her it meant a lot; a whole lot because it was the first present she ever got from her nana. Whom sadly passed away years ago, so you would understand why it meant a lot. Immediately Sandy asked her friends who denied it all and said why do you always ask us. From the look on her pale face you could tell Sandy was going to blow.

She looked around and found it in the sink, half ripped and with clay all over it. She took one glance at it and just stuttered with absolute anger and fear, while her 'friends' sat there. Until she finally broke and walked outside and sobbed. Her face went red and blotchy out sheer embarrassment and tears. Not a friend to be seen.

People marched out like they were on Noah's ark. With her good hearing she picked up every single last word. How she was a cry baby. How she was a loner. How nobody liked her. But the most unexpected thing happened Jane and Bella, the two most popular girls in the class, walked out and defended her. Saying they would be annoyed if that happened to them and to leave her alone.

You could see Sandy sigh and then have a slight smile. These things came from the most unexpected place. Storming out the teacher told them to all go back in, Jane and Bella stayed outside. Angry and upset with how the teacher didn't deal with it they protested to stay out with there final words being she would have rather stayed with us. Finally she talked to Sandy. After the teacher rambled on Sandy replied with "If I were you I wouldn't tell them off, they stood up for me when nobody else would, even my friends..." Taking a deep breath in she continued "That takes more courage than my friends showed and you showed... Nobody sticks up for losers"

Her mouth was wide open in almost disgust.

The rest of the day was a blur from there for Sandy...

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