Grandfather clocks

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Slamming the door wide open Sandy lets herself in. In a split second her beautiful little baby sister gives her the biggest hug. Hugs always help. It keeps you going. She tip toes up into her room and shuts the red door behind her. Her 1st second thoughts were that she was hungry, but she directs herself away from it. She had a big lunch so her having dinner was unlikely. Shortly after she grabs her favourite bunny, the one her nan gave to her before she died, and her tiny dumbo. She crinkled herself into a tight cocoon and peacefully slipped into a light bliss...

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The grandfather clock woke her in a abrupt manner. Reaching over she grabbed her gold iPhone with the cracked screen. 12:00 exactly. Within a few clicks she was on snapchat looking through people's stories.

Like a bullet hit her she was in utter shock. How? What? And why, surrounded her head like a ticking time bomb.

She should have known better. Bella posted it. In a matter of seconds she was bawling her eyes out with disappointment. The already old and crinkled bunny was now soaking wet with clear tears. The video of her crying was posted with people sending her snap chats by the second. Putting her down. Lowering her self esteem. Destroying her hope.

Her heart sunk into her hands and her hair swiped over her face.

She thought people had decency.

Now she realises it's a wish.

Stars in the cloudsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora