Chapter 2

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It felt as if life stopped when we went home. The school day was ended early, whilst the police investigated what'd happened. We weren't allowed to see the body, not that I really wanted to. Seeing Zack asleep creped me out enough. As we solemnly walked into the busy lobby, everyone stared at us as Cody broke down crying again. He was more than just crying he was screaming. I shed a few tears as well, but was still in denial. Maddie came over as soon as she saw.

"Hey, what happened?" she asked, calmly putting her arm around me.

"Z-Z-Zack," I stuttered through gulps of sobs. "He's d-d-d-d-d-,"

"He's what?" Maddie asked confused.

"He's dead!" I got out before collapsing on the floor in tears. Mom just stood there and froze, as Maddie started to cry.

"What is the meaning off all this?" Mr. Mosby asked, coming over. "Our guests don't pay to hear crying!"

"But, Mr. Mosby," Maddie argued as tears started to fall. "Zack died this morning," she half whispered.

"Oh," Mr. Mosby sighed. "I understand," he started to cry but tried to remain professional. "I'm sorry for your loss," he walked away to cry in the corner. That's when I truly grasped it.

Zack was dead. He wasn't coming back. The last thing I'd said to him was, 'I hate you'. Guilt built up inside me as I crawled into a ball and cried. I wanted to die too. Slowly we all made our way to the elevator, and up to the 23rd floor.

You know when people are dead, usually it's best to wait a few days before going to their room. Do you know how hard it is when you literally have to go into their room, because it's yours as well? Very. Cody wouldn't stop crying, as he sat and rocked in the far corner. Mom just sat on the couch, still staring straight ahead. I didn't know what to do with myself, so I opened the window and slipped out onto the little ledge. I'd been going there since we'd first moved, I was a small ledge, which I probably could easily fall off if I wasn't careful. But I sat there anyway, it was my escape, no one else knew. And the vent opening was the perfect hiding place. I kept food, because once I was out there for 5 hours, along with a book and a stolen MP3 player.

I started to play the music, as I sadly ate a bag of crisps. They were Dorito's, Zack's favourite. I couldn't help thinking of him. Zack. My triplet brother. It truly felt like a part of me was missing. Zack had always joked around with me, and I'd never felt so lonely. We'd entered dancing competitions (although he wasn't very serious) and been in a band. But his was gone. I took my hat of my head in anger, throwing it down, before undoing my hair. I was a girl, just like Zack said.

I sighed, and reached into the vent, finding an egg I'd left there the other day. My eyes locked on Tapeworms house, and I flung it at his window. I was a pretty good aim, so it went straight on his window, even though I couldn't really see too well from a distance.

"Hey, little girl!" a woman yelled, making me turn to a window. "What gives you the right to throw eggs at innocent people's house?"

"He isn't innocent." I hissed. "He killed my brother,"

"Is your brother the blond one?" She asked, jumping to conclusions. "I saw him a minute ago, so he can't be dead,"

"They're twins," I muttered in annoyance. "Only one of them is dead,"

"You shouldn't even be out here, it's not safe."

I grunted loudly. "Good," I said, slipping off the ledge and starting to fall.

Time seemed to slow down as I fell towards the Tipton entrance steps. I didn't really want to die, I realized, I wanted to be with Zack. I'd seen how distraught mom and Cody had been, I would only make it worse. I was selfish. I shut my eyes tightly getting ready to hit the ground.

The Love of a Brother The Love of a Triplet Suite Life of Zack and CodyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ