Chapter 3: FLASHBACK 1

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It was a good day for the Martin trio. They were 11, and their mom had agreed to take them to the beach, after years of begging. Zack wanted to talk to some hot babes, Cody wanted to read in the shade, and Max wanted to dance on the beach for quarters. Carey wanted to sunbathe, but knew she couldn't do that and keep an eye on her three preteens at the same time.

"Listen, kids," she said in the car, interrupting their excited squeals as to what they wanted to do. "I can't have you all wandering off. Either all stick together, or two of you stay together and one comes with me. Cody, you could come and read with me. I'll just be sunbathing."

"No mom," Cody said impatiently. "I can't sit in the sun, I'll burn."
"You can come with me," Max offered. "If I make enough money, I'll buy you an ice cream,"

"No, Max. You've got to come with me," Zack argued. "Cody would cramp my style, and I can't flirt with mom," he whispered the last part.

"But I want to dance," Max argued.

"Tuff," Zack said. "I don't."

"Cody will come with me, won't you, Cody?" Max asked.

"No, Cody's coming with me," Zack said, making Cody look confused.

"I thought I'd 'cramp your style'," Cody glared at Zack, "Promise you'll buy me an ice cream?" he asked Max.

"I promise." Max said, smirking at Zack.

"Hey, hey, hey." Zack interrupted. "That'll hardly fair. Come on guys." He looked from Max to Cody, "Come on Max,"

"No," Max smiled. This was one of the rare times that Max and Zack didn't gang up on Cody.

"I guess you're stuck with me," Carey said, as Zack sulked.


Max had a great time on the beach. She found a good spot, and put her boom box down. Chucking her cap down with a few quarters so people got the idea, she started to dance. Max took dance very seriously, with her mom paying for 3 classes a week, and her constant practice. So improvising was no big deal to her, she enjoyed it a lot.

"Go Max! Go Max! Go Max!" Cody cheered, as a few people started to get the idea and dropped a quarter in the hat.

"What's the cause?" an old woman asked Cody.

"Uh-triplets!" Cody said, then started lying. "Out mom had two kids, then wanted another and got triplets. We struggle with money, now, and the three of us are all in one room. This money will buy us small things like ice cream and act as pocket money we don't get,"

"Aw, so where's the third?" the woman asked, believing every word.

"Over there," Cody pointed to Zack, "He looks just like me."

"Wow, real life triplets. I'll never see that again." She put a three dollars in the hat. "One each. So, what are your names?"

Cody wanted to get out of the situation, but didn't know how. "Look, I'm really busy," he lied. "Why don't you go talk to Zack, over there?"

Max smiled at Cody, having heard every word.

"Hey, Max. Can we go get ice cream now?" Cody asked, counting the money.

"Buy your own ice cream," Max retaliated.

"But, you promised." Cody's face fell.

Max shrugged. "Promises are made to be broken." She said, as Cody stormed off.

Max made a lot of money (like, 10 dollars) but knew she'd upset her brother. It didn't bother her much, she just put the money in her dance school fund, which she knew would never have enough for. Cody forgave her after a day, but her words stuck in his mind forever. And he never trusted her again.

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