Chapter 4

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I found my way to my bed, and stayed there for a very long time. I don't know when, but at some point Cody came in. He didn't go to his own bed, but I don't blame him. It wouldn't be the same without Zack's leg hanging over the side. He came into my bed, which I was very grateful of. Dad stayed for a while, but then he had to leave. He kissed our heads and said he would be back for the funeral. Mom started to move a bit more. Not much, but she did start living.

It was when a week had passed that we were disturbed. Mr. Mosby let himself in and started to talk to mom.

"Carey," he said. "I understand you're grieving, so it's fine that you miss work. But it's not fair on the boys,"
"I'm a girl!" I yelled grouchily from my room.

"Sorry," he replied, which surprised me as he usually pulled a face or said something like 'whatever' or 'no one cares'. "But Carey, we've had suicidal jumps from your poor girl. Kurt says she's the only one ever making food, and Cody's not stirred from bed,"

Mom sighed, starting to cry. "It's just really hard. What should I do?"

Mr. Mosby handed some papers forward. "Sign these," he explained softly. "It will give the Tipton part-parenting of your twins..."

"We're triplets," I interrupted, getting no reply.

"While you get back on your feet," he explained. "Which we'll help you with."

"Uh, I'll have to talk about that with my kids," she said tiredly. "Maybe tomorrow,"

Mr. Mosby walked into our room and smiled at us. "Maxine, Cody, can you come out here for a second,"

"It's Max," I mumbled, walking into the living room.

"You can talk to your kids now," Mr. Mosby told mom.

Mom sighed. "Okay," she said, "Kids, do you think you'd be better off in part-care of the Tipton?"
I shrugged. "Maybe,"

"What does it mean?" Cody asked.

"Sometimes you'll sleep here," Mr. Mosby explained. "And sometimes you'll stay elsewhere. The idea at the moment is to send you to summer camp, take you away so you can grieve."

I looked at Cody, and he nodded. "Okay," I answered.

"One condition though," Mr. Mosby stopped me. "No suicide attempts,"

"Please, honey, we're in enough pain,"

I nodded. "Sorry."

"Please sign here," Mr. Mosby said, as mom signed us away. "Come with me," Mr. Mosby instructed as we left the hotel suite. He led us down to the lobby, then into his car. When we go to his house he spoke again. "You'll be staying with me the next few days," he explained.

"Okay," I said again.

"I know you came empty-handed, but I've got kids who can lend. I'll show you to your rooms,"

We walked into his house, it was surprisingly clean, and he led us up the perfectly vacuumed stairs.

"Lola," he said, knocking on a door, as a blonde girl who looked about a year younger than me, but was still my height, came out.

"Yes?" she said, her eyes drifting to Cody and me.

"This is Maxine, and I was wondering if you'd share with her for the next few days."

"Is this one of the three boys you always moan about? The one you said is actually a girl,"

"I am a girl!" I put in defensively.

"Yes, and I'd appreciate it if you don't mention that." Mr. Mosby hissed.

"Wait, where's the third?" Lola asked.

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