Chapter 7

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Max's POV

After school, we hung out at moms for a bit. We mostly just watched TV, while she told us about her therapy. Then she offered to cook, but I said I would. Everything's easier that way. I made spaghetti, then we all sat down and ate.

"Where are we staying tonight?" Cody asked as mom shrugged.

"Mr. Mosby says you're going to camp soon, so probably his." Mom replied. And, sure enough, after dinner, Mr. Mosby turned up.

"Maxine, Cody can I talk to you a minute?" he asked, as we both got up and walked over to him. "The plan is for you to go to summer camp tomorrow, so please pack. Tonight you're staying at mine."

We both nodded, going into our room. We rarely went in there, as it was filled with memories of Zack. We knew what to bring from the last time we went to camp, but we weren't particularly excited. We'd hated camp when we were little, all three of us, so we knew this would probably be the same.

When we got to Mr. Mosby's, it was kinda nice seeing Lola.

"Hey," she smiled, leading me into her room. It was gone midnight when we arrived, so she obviously wasn't in the mood for talking. I just sat on the spare bed, changed into my pyjama's (it was nice bringing my own stuff) and went to sleep. I didn't struggle falling asleep, surprisingly, but I still felt a pang of guilt. Like, even though your life's fallen apart, you need to carry on. Even though nothing will go back to the way you knew it, you have no choice but to live on. No choice but to live on without Zack.


The next morning consisted of waking up early, showering, and getting on a strange bus. Mr. Mosby explained that for the first week we'd be together doing 'Multi Activity', then I was to spend two weeks dancing, while he designed a video game. After that, we'd come back to his for a night and decide what we wanted to do. We hated the thought of being separated, but I guess we had no choice.

"Welcome to Brookhaven," a man said, gesturing the two of us onto the bus. I slightly waved at Mr. Mosby, confidently hopping onto the bus. I had to seem confident. Cody was no way near confident. I could hear him from behind me. He started to cry. He started to scream. He started to yell.

"Mr. Mosby! Please don't leave us! I don't wanna go!" I watched him thrust his arms around Mr. Mosby, desperate to stay in Boston. I couldn't hear what Mr. Mosby said in response, but I could hear the people behind me.

"What. A. Dork." A girl who sounded about 9 was saying.

"Hey, ponytail," the boy next to her called, making me turn around. "Do you know that dweeb?"
I nodded, not wanting to pick a fight on day one. "He's not a dweeb."

I could hear them both roll their eyes. I didn't care enough. Soon Cody got on, shaky and tear-faced. He sat next to me and I smiled. But he just cried harder. Soon he stopped, I think, but I mostly had my head phones in.


It was a few hours till we finally arrived. By then, Cody had already nagged me about needing to pee a few times. We really wanted to arrive, although we were a bit nerves. The bus only had about 20 people on it, and most people were just sat on their own, but the leader (whose name we learnt to be Matt) kept trying to get us to talk to people.

"Looks like we're just on time," he commented as we arrived. "Great, now take all your belongings and go into that hall,"

We did as told, and entered the room where two woman were stood. They sent us off to our bunks (which I was sad to leave Cody for) and then expected us to just settle. I was so caught up in the excitement of things, I forgot to think about Zack.

Upon entering my bunk, I was greeted by four smiling faces and one scowl.

"Are you Maxine?" The scowling girl asked, chewing gum and looking down at me.

"Yep," I said, smiling although I just wanted to cry.

"Oh, that's your bed. We had to 'reserve' a top bunk for you,"

"I don't really care, but thanks," I said, walking over to the bed.

"I wanted it," the girl scowled.

"That's Maura," a blonde girl explained, gesturing to the black-haired scowling girl. "She's been like this all day."
"Max," I said, smiling slightly as I held out my hand.

"Hailee," she smiled.

"So, where are you from?" another girl asked. "I'm Jenna,"
"I live in the Tipton hotel," I said, without thinking.

"The Tipton?!" a red-haired girl asked in surprise.

"Yeah, me and my..." I didn't know what to say. Brother? Brothers? Triplets? Family? So I just said, "Triplet."

"You're a triplet?" she asked again as I nodded. "I'm Bonnie, by the way, and that's Zoey," she pointed to a girl who was reading.
"Cool," I nodded, as they all started talking about their homes and families. I was tired, and wanted Zack there.

"What about your triplets?" Jenna asked.

"Uh, Cody...and Zack," I tried to sound confident. I didn't want the sympathy vote, after having the bed.

"What are they like?" Bonnie asked.

"Cool," I really didn't want to talk about this.

"Come on, they must annoy you!" Maura said, as the others nodded.

"Well, Cody's quiet nerdy and childish. And Zack thinks he's so cool and annoying." I felt quite bad, but wanted friends.

"Are they here?" Zoey asked.

"Cody is," I said simply. I looked at Bonnie, and she nodded, as though understanding, and changed the subject.

But I had friends. And I liked camp.


Soon two more girls came. Ashly and Lili. Ashly made it clear she didn't want to be here, and that she hated us.

"Stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours," she flipped her perfect hair and put her headphones on.

Lili was obviously shy, but smiled and came to sit with me as we all spoke. The camp was alright, and I only had a small pang of guilt.

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The Love of a Brother The Love of a Triplet Suite Life of Zack and Codyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें