Chapter One

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Tori's Pov

"CHICAGO, CHICAGO" I hear my Annoying sister Trina singing.

I groan out loud, why can't I sleep peacefully for once in my life.
Sometimes I wish I could murder her, I mean don't get me wrong I love my sister, I guess, but she gets on my nerves.

"Tori get your butt up, it's your first day of senior year, you don't wanna be late," Trina yells.

"I'm up, thanks to your fabulous singing skills" I mutter.

I can't believe this is my final year at Hollywood arts, I don't want the year to end, it's like taking a kid's favorite toy away from them, I never thought I'd get the opportunity to attend a school full of talented people, and now it's almost coming to an end, I'm frightened yet eager to face adulthood, I will especially miss all my friends including a certain goth that I despise.

"Come on why aren't you getting out of bed, you need to get dressed, I don't have all day for you" Trina speaks as she barges into my room and starts pulling the bedsheets off of me.

"I still have plenty of time, stop irritating me Trina" I groan

"Okay listen here you ungrateful witch, If you're gonna complain why don't you learn how to drive yourself, I mean you're almost eighteen for God's sake, even cat knows how to drive. Just be ready in 10 minutes I have other places to be at" Trina claps at me.

This bitch, I swear I'm gonna strangle her to death someday. I yearn to learn how to drive like a normal human being just so I could escape Trina, if it wasn't for that old lady I would have gotten my driver's license.
Well, technically it was my fault I shouldn't have closed my eyes while that grandma popped in front of the car.

Trina has graduated a year ago, yet she still lives with my parents, she decided to take a gap year break or whatever to focus on her "beauty", and the only benefit I get from her staying in the house is the car rides, but even that can be infuriating, you don't want to imagine the things she makes me do, one time I had to shave her freaking armpit while she was driving.

I get out of bed and throw on the first thing that pops up in front of me, I really don't care about my appearance I just want the day to be over already.

Before I could even have a proper breakfast, Trina pulls my hand and shoves me into her car.

"Hey, I was trying to eat," I yell

"And I'm trying to get to the beauty salon without being late, it takes a lot of time and effort to be this gorgeous baby sis, I mean you wouldn't even know, have you looked yourself in the mirror today?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh come on, you look like you came back from the dead, It's not your fault though I got all the good genes and you got um.. lucky to have me as your sister."

"Shut up and drive me to school, I've heard enough."

"The truth hurts."


I saunter in the hallway of Hollywood arts moving towards my locker turning the lights of my dull locker and making it shine.
I feel a sudden tap on my shoulder and turn around to see André facing me.

"Hey chica, How are you doing on this fine day," He says cheerfully as he wiggles his eyebrows

I don't comprehend how someone can be so active in the morning, I am barely awake and my head is throbbing because of Trina's disastrous singing skills.
As much as I was excited for this day I can't wait to get back home and doze off, I already miss my bed a lot, and I wish I could marry it.

"Torayyyy, I'm talking to you, you okay chica?" André snaps at me with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm fine, just exhausted, try living with Trina, I can't believe her and I are related".

"No thanks, I don't even want to imagine living with her, on the bright side we have Sikowitz for our first class".

"Speaking of Sikowitz, we should head to class".

I drag André to class with me and sit down at the front of the class, not long after everyone starts joining, I see familiar faces that I haven't seen over the summer. Robbie is arguing with rex, while Cat is babbling about her brother, and Beck seems so quiet, I scrutinize around, something crucial seems to be missing but I can't figure out what.
I get interrupted from my thoughts by Sikowitz. He takes a large sip from his coconut, I don't get why he enjoys coconuts vastly, I've heard it gives him visions.

"Hello, Children, I hope You all had a great summer, We Will start our class by explaining the importance of improvisation".

"One time my brother was trying to improvise how to kill a-"

"NO!" I hear a familiar scream

"Jade! you're Late, as Usual, Care to take a seat?" Sikowitz inquires the raven-haired girl.

"Whatever" Jade mumbles as she sits right next to me, giving me a death glare, I gulp nearly whazzing myself.

Who the hell does she think she is?
I wanna wipe that smirk off of her menacing face.
Why did she decide to sit next to me when there are plenty of empty seats.
I was happy that I didn't see her at all during summer, and now she is freaking sitting right next to me.
Is she planning my murder? Oh my God, she's going to abduct me after class, then bury me in a deserted area.
Okay, Tori Calm down, as much as jade loathes you, she wouldn't murder you, or would she?
Remember, that one time when she had a shovel in the backseat, she was going to assassinate you.
No that's stupid, she wasn't actually scheming my homicide and she isn't thinking about that right now either.
They do say keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Shut Up consciousness and focus on what's Sikowitz saying.
This is the end of me. I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to my cuddle-me Cathy.
I turn to my right with an alarmed face and catch a glimpse of jade smirking at me.
What the hell is she planning?
I wish I was able to understand how her cruel brain worked.
I was never intimidated by her, but today for some reason, I just have this gut feeling that she will do something to me.
Suddenly, my breath starts to hitch and everything goes black.

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