Chapter six

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Jade's Pov


"Vega, I am not in the mood to talk with you, bye." I start walking away from her as I take a sip of my hot coffee, nearly burning my tongue.

Why does nobody want to leave me alone these days?

"Wait, Jade, I want to talk with you." She grabs my arms and starts taking me toward the Janitor's closet.

Before I was even able to have time to react, I was nudged inside the closet.

"Vega, if you wanted to feel my body again, you could've just asked me," I say with a diabolical smirk chiseled on my face, reminiscing what happened a few days ago.

She has her mouth agape, I am worried that a mosquito will get inside of it, on second thought, that would be hilarious.

"Jade, I know like you mentioned the other day that we are not friends, but if you want to talk about something, I am here." She speaks with concern.

Did she accidentally drink alcohol in the morning or what, why the fuck is she acting like this, whatever this is, I don't like it.

"You don't have to hide the fact that your feelings for Beck have faded away and you are seeing someone else, what you did might not have been the best thing in the world-"

"WHAT?!" I cut her off, what the fuck is this bitch talking about

"What I am trying to say is that I know you are feeling guilty that you cheated on Beck."

Before I know it, I am grabbing Vega's arms so hard and squeezing them until they fucking explode, she looks frightened and bleary-eyed.

"What the fuck are you shitting about?" I say through gritted teeth.

She loses eye contact, looks down, and whimpers in pain, only then do I realize what I am doing and leave her embrace.

I hurt her bad, but I do not care

"Where did you get that lie from?" I yell at her

"Beck" she whispers her voice barely audible

I should have known, Vega had no wrong in this, Mr. Sleek hair is spreading rumors about me.

"You think I would stoop that low Vega? Go and ask your dear boyfriend Beckett who cheated on who, and tell him to tell the truth not turn the story around."

"I'm sorry," Vega whispers again, making sure her eyes were averted from mine.

"I didn't really doubt you, I  was just trying to let you know that if it was the case, then you can rely on me and talk about it."

I do not give a reply and just leave her alone in there, she got what she deserves.

Little miss perfect thinks that she can fix all the problems in the world by meddling in people's business, this should be a good lesson for her.


I toss and turn around unable to sleep, I hate her for keeping me wide awake at midnight.

When I close my eyes she is right there looking frightened.

I know I give her a hard time and despise the shit out of her, but I did not mean to actually hurt her.

I should not feel culpable, but I do.

"Ugh" I scream into my pillow.

That's it, I am going to vega's, or else I don't think I'll get any sleep.

I jump out of bed and rummage for my car keys, then make my way to the Vega Residency.

It's really gloomy outside, almost fully deserted, no one sane would do what I am doing now, but I don't care.

Vega's house is not that far away, and I got lucky with no traffic.

I park the car right outside and start climbing the tree that takes me to miss sunshine's window.

Bingo, it's unlocked.

You'd think that a cop's house would be fully secured, but all the Vega family members are dumb.

I step in, trying not to make a noise, I don't want to startle a sleeping tori.

But, it's okay if you do it when she is fully awake? Your logic is immaculate Jade.

Shut up!

She looks peaceful, all I could hear are soft snores.

Why did I come here in the first place?

This is stupid, I should just go back.

Then what, keep on dying from regret? What a pity

Shut up, conscious.

"Jade?" A sleepy and confused voice comes out

"Go back to sleep Tori, you are just dreaming."

That makes her even more awake.

What excuse am I supposed to come up with?

Then it seems like, she processes I am certainly in her room, and watching her sleep like a creep.

Sounds like something Sinjin would do.

"Jade, what's wrong?" She steps out of bed and gets near me, looking with concern.

"Did something happen? You know what, you don't have to talk about it, I will go and get ice cream from downstairs and we can watch the scissoring, although I might not be able to walk or sleep alone for the next few months."

She seriously doesn't question anything, Tori Vega needs to grow some balls and stop being so selfless.

I don't know If I want to slap her or choke her or-

Jade! You came here because you are feeling guilty for hurting her, and now you are trying to find creative ways to cause more damage.

"Listen, Vega, I suck at apologizing, I guess I'm sorry, or whatever." I hastily say

"What the fuck are you grinning about, do not make me regret coming here."

"You said you are sorry, you've never said that." She enthusiastically mentions 

This is exactly why I hate her, she is so irksome.

"I said or whatever"

"That's good enough, thanks Jade, I'm sorry too, for making it seem like I doubted you."

"Goodnight, Vega."


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