Chapter Five

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Tori's Pov

"Thanks, this is some good chiz, but, I want to know how's pink Lemonade pink?" Beck asks with genuine expression.

I start pondering for a second, I have never thought of it before, do pink lemonades come from Cat's imaginary land?

"You know, um, they are, oh shut up," I say trying to come up with an ingenious answer and then giving up.

"Okay, but seriously we have to start coming up with some ideas for the writing project we don't have much time." André halts our crucial conversation about pink lemonades

Sikowitz gave us a group project, we have to write a script in a horror genre, with a plot twist included. André, Beck, and I got partnered up together for the project, we have been discussing ideas for about 3 hours, and we have got nothing yet.
Writing is really not my expertise, especially anything that involves the word Horror, I am easily frightened of flies, so, I am holding a grudge toward Sikowitz for not giving us a decent theme, apparently, it will be counted as 60 percent of the first-semester writing grade.

"Any ideas that will be useful?" Beck asks.

"Beck, why don't you call your goth girlfriend and ask her to come over to Tori's, we'll trick her into giving us some good ideas, she'll be the only one who could help us," André suggests.

That's not such a bad idea, Jade has a big passion when it comes to assassination, blood, atrocity, or anything in that category.
She'd be really useful,  except for the fact that she wouldn't want to help me.

"Jade is not my girlfriend anymore, we broke up over the summer." Beck casually announces.

That explains why they have been acting and bickering like toddlers or why Beck told Jade that she doesn't have a date. I am almost certain that by the end of the week, they will be back together.

"Seriously, you guys have broken up again? I did not notice that, when are you guys planning on getting back together?" André asks, reading my mind

"We are not getting back together this time," Beck replies shaking his head.

"Just like you guys have said every other time." I scoff

"Jade is in love with someone else." Beck blurts out.

Do I need to get my ears checked?

Jade is In love with someone other than Beck? There has to be a catch.

But, it doesn't make sense, Jade is head over heels for Beck.

Beck is probably messing with us.

"She is in love with someone else? as if that gank has a heart." André starts to laugh in disbelief.

Jade might be a gank sometimes, and treat me like debris, but she does have a heart.

For some reason, I feel like beating André right now, did he seriously forget about having a crush on Jade last year, he can't just act like a scaredy-cat around Jade and speak badly behind her back.

I look at Beck, waiting for an answer, I catch his eyes watering.

"I caught her cheating on me, a while ago, and after that, we decided to stay friends." He whispers

"Have you lost your mind, how have you decided to remain friends with her after she cheated."

"Can we change the subject and go back to coming up with ideas for the script."

My brain was already foggy, now I can't focus on the script at all.

Because there is no way Jade would do something like that.

Beck is my best friend and I trust him, but I don't understand how Jade would do that.

Everybody knows how Jade acts around him, it's like she is entirely a new human being, a person with a big heart who cares and loves.

"I think rex would be able to help us," I suggest

"That's not a bad idea, he can tell us about one of Robbie's eerie dreams, it could be useful for the script."

We then start hearing random noises from the bushes outside. I go forward to check what's in there, maybe a stray cat was ravenously looking for some food and got stuck in the bushes.

All of a sudden, I see a huge figure stumbling out making me shriek with a loud voice.

"Robbie! What the hell have you been doing hiding in my bushes!"

"Hey, Tori, I really don't know how I got here, I was passed out and Rex woke me up."

"Have you been stalking me?"

"Maybe, but only because, I wanted to see Trina's skincare routine, the girl got soft skin like an infant."

"That's not creepy at all, if I ever see you lurking around, just remember that my dad is a cop and Trina has a black belt in karate."

That makes him gulp and nearly shit his pants, I should take advantage of the situation.

"Since you don't want to face my dad or Trina, I suggest you and Rex help us with our script, if not then my daddy is one call away."

"No don't call him! I promise we will be very happy to help you guys, just give me one more chance Tori."

And that's how you deceive Robbie Shapiro, Good Job Tori.

"Man you're such a pussy, anyway I don't mind helping the hot chick by providing humiliating stories about you," Rex speaks with a boast.

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