Chapter Three

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Tori's Pov

What the hell has gotten to me? First I was so terrified of Jade's glance that I passed out on her then I went ahead and touched her boobs.

That was sexual assault, wasn't it?
What have I done, I deserve to rot in here.

I think I have lost my mind, why the hell did I do something like that, I hope Jade doesn't find me hiding in the boys' bathroom, because I'm sure this time I will not come out alive.

I might as well stay here for a few days, till it's safe to go outside again, what did I get myself into, kudos to you tori, once again you acted without using your brain.

I should probably call Trina and ask her to pick me up.

As if she'd bother to come and save you from the mess you got yourself into.

Wait, what's that brown thing on the wall?

Oh my God, it's fecal matter, I shouldn't have locked myself in here, If I stay for one more minute, I might end up throwing up and faint again.

Tori, get out of here!

Okay, I can do this, I can face Jade again, I am not intimidated by her.

Once I make sure nobody is around, I jog out of the bathroom and go straight away to my next class.

"Hey Tori" I hear a strange voice coming from beside me, was I hallucinating, or was someone speaking to me?

"You there?" I hear the same voice call.

"Uh, Ryder? Wait, how do you even know my name?" I can't believe Ryder Daniels, the hottest person in Hollywood Arts knows who I am. Although we have been having the same classes for 2 years, I never knew he noticed me.

"Are you kidding, everyone knows your name, besides, how can I miss someone as gorgeous as you" what the hell is going on, did he just call me gorgeous? I feel my cheeks heating up, I can't believe Ryder thinks an average-looking girl like me is pretty.

"You are even more exquisite when you are blushing, what are you doing tonight? I was thinking maybe we should hang out." He adds.

"Is the one and only Ryder Daniels asking me on a date?" I ask feeling stunned.

"Sure, he is, how about I pick you up around 7." He says, making my heart skip a beat, how could I ever say no to that beautiful face. I guess the first day of senior is not bad after all.

"Yes! I'd like that" I say a bit enthusiastically for my liking, "Uhm, I mean, yeah seven works for me." I add, making my tone calmer.

"See you then" he whispers while winking at me

I try to seem calm and collected on the outside, but I am beaming with ecstasy on the inside. Can't school be over already? I want to go on my date with Ryder.

what the hell do I even wear? Are we even going somewhere lavish or casual, I might need Trina's help when I get home. Oh, who am I even kidding, Trina would make me get dressed hideously.

The bell rings loudly implying that class is over.

Finally, time for a lunch break, I can't wait to tell André all about Ryder.

I search for him in Asphalt Café, and once I settle my eyes on him, I flee and lunge at him.

"Ouch, what was that for, you scared the chiz out of me, did that passing out incident mess up your brain." He speaks up making me roll my eyes

"Guess what?"

"you realized that you are bad at acting?"

"Hey, that's mean, and no guess again."

"Oh I know, you finally got your driver's license."

"I wish I did, but Ryder Daniels just asked me out on a date."

"One time my brother asked a clown on a date but then-"

"Hey, Kitty Cat, you can tell us about your brother later." André interrupts Cat from telling whatever weird thing her brother has done.

Shortly after Beck, Robbie, and Rex join us and start bombarding me with numerous questions about my date with Ryder.

"I don't trust this Ryder Guy." I suddenly hear Jade's voice speaking up. Where the hell did she come from. Oh God, she will humiliate me in front of my friends and tell them about what happened in the closet.

"You're just jealous that you don't have a date." Beck gives a reply.

But, she does have a date, Beck, and Jade have been dating for years now, why would he say that, unless, wait did they break up again?

Even if they did break up, They will get back together in a matter of time. After all, they are a power couple.

"Shut Up Oliver, I wasn't talking with you, and seriously Tori, If I were you, I wouldn't have trusted Ryder, he has a bad history with girls."

and she is gone again

Maybe, Beck was right, she is probably jealous that I get to have Ryder.

Or she doesn't want me to have something good in life, she does get delighted from my misery.

Whatever, who cares what she thinks, I'm not going to let her negative energy affect me.


It's 6:00 pm and I still haven't settled on an outfit, even my exams weren't this hard.

Ryder will be here any minute and I'm still in this appalling robe.

I should probably call him and cancel this date.

No, Tori, you can't just cancel your date at the last minute.

I sigh, rummaging through my closet for one last time, and decide to wear a red shirt with a black skirt.

I hope I'd look decent enough in Ryder's eyes.

I put on light makeup and head downstairs, waiting for Ryder.

"Why are you dressed up like that?" Trina interferes.

"Dressed up like what?"

"Like a horny brat." She casually says

"TRINA! Do I really look like that, should I get changed?"

"I'm kidding baby sis, but for once in life, you are dressed nicely, which is concerning."

"Thanks, Trina, well I have this-"

"Yeah, I don't care, I'm going to my room, bye."

"Just when I thought she was being nice," I mumble

My phone beeps a few seconds later, I get excited only to get my expectations ruined.

"Sorry Tori, but I can't make it tonight" I read as my eye vision starts to blur.

I should have known a date with Ryder was too good to be true.

I shove my phone away, I shouldn't be upset over something that hasn't been initiated yet.

But, I had this glint of hope, I don't know what I expected to be honest.

I get up and go straight to bed, letting all my disappointment out.

That's what you get for being so dumb Tori.

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