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Everything was blurry, spinning, and she found she couldn't do anything to stop it. When the truck hit, it hit hard, sending Jinx's car into a roll. When the car finally stopped moving, it landed on its side, trapping Isobelle where she was. The window shield was shattered, two of the side mirrors were busted out, and even though the air bags deployed, it didn't stop the shrapnel from tearing her skin.

All she could here were sirens, growing closer and closer as the seconds ticked by. She could hear Jinx anxiously calling her name, asking if she was okay. In reality, her head was pounding, and blood dripped from her nose. What ever injuries there were, the adrenaline was keeping her from feeling any pain. Eventually, she pried open her eyes and saw the blood rushing down her best friends face. "Jinx.." she muttered painfully, "Jinx you're bleeding.."

Her worry had quickly shifted from herself to her friend in a matter of seconds, and she tried to unbuckle her seat belt to help her. "No, Isobelle. Wait. Wait for the paramedics." Her voice was calm and collected as Jinx kept her eyes locked with her friends. "You're cut, your leg, look at it." Jinx was right, glass from the windshield was stuck in her leg. It was big enough to send panic through her body.

Listening as the sirens grew closer, Isobelle nodded her head in silence. Reaching out her hand, Jinx held on to it tightly with her own. "I'm scared.." looking around her, glass was everywhere, and blood had ran down onto the concrete through the busted window. Glancing at the dash, the busted clock read: nine p.m. She was the heart of the show, and she wouldn't be making it.


It took three first responders to pry Isobelle out of the demolished vehicle. After taking Jinx first, it was obvious that they were more concerned with Isobelle's injuries. Jinx walked away with a few bumps and bruises, and a busted forehead. But Isobelle's entire body was covered in cuts. The exposure of her dress did not protect her by any means. Every inch of her skin seemed to burn as if she had ran through a barbwire fence.

She could feel the glass shift in her thigh as they placed her onto the stretcher in the back of an ambulance, and began their approach to the local hospital. Jinx sat in the back with her as the paramedics did their job, and she knew it wouldn't be long before she was in the hands of her Mother. A pediatric doctor or not, she knew her mother wouldn't let anyone else care for her daughter without her say so.

By the time she had reached the hospital, Isobelle's father was at the emergency entrance. After answering the last bit of then paramedics questions she couldn't help but stare at her Father's face, which was riddled with fear. "Hey sugar plum.." Albert hummed, softly caressing Isobelle's hair. He exchanged his 'I love you' in his 'everything will be okay' voice  before the Doctors kept him back.  

As one parent left her side, the other appeared with worry in her eyes. Isobelle did her best not to flinch away from the flashlight shining in her eyes, but it seemed impossible. She noted that the hospital smelt of bleach, as if the whole building had just been scrubbed down. Her mind was a race of thoughts she could barely grasp. Where was Jinx? Was she okay? All these questions had to wait whether she wanted to or not.

Sleep was pulling at her eyes. She should've expected sleep to creep up considering the massive trauma her body had just been through. Unable to fight it much longer, the last thing she caught sight of before she fell asleep was her Mother tending to her wounds, and the sight of Dominic outside the room chatting intensely with her Father. Why was he here?


To say her evening was a bust, was an understatement. After sleeping heavily for a few hours, Isobelle woke up in recovery with twenty-six stitches up her thigh. The tiny scrapes and cuts that adorned her skin didn't burn as bad as they had when the adrenaline wore off, but her body ached from the impact. Bruises adorned her arms from where she had tried to shield herself from the glass that dared to nick her skin, and the air bag she wasn't quite ready for. Luckily, the air bag only left a small burn on the side of her face. 

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