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Overhead, in the trees, birds chirped back and forth. The trees were full of life in these woods. Plants of all different species had pushed their way through the warm soil, bringing food and shelter to the animals that needed it. Isobelle took all of it in silently as she followed Dominic's lead, wondering where they were and where they were going. The farther into the woods they went, the more elaborate the wildlife became.

Rose bushes wrapped themselves up tree trunks, blooming pink and white flowers. In the distance she could see a passing herd of deer making their way towards afternoon shelter. Dominic had spared a glance in her direction, and found himself amused seeing her bright curiosity. "This place is beautiful.." she muttered. "Where are we?" Reaching out and touching the leaves of the trees, she found herself completely captivated by her surroundings.

Reaching out himself, Dominic picked a fig from a neighboring tree, before offering it to her. "I have many places in which I tend to dwell, this is one of them. We are in Virgina." As Isobelle took the fruit from his hands, she looked at Dominic, star struck. They had travelled this far in mere seconds? "We are almost there, come." For the devil, he was being kind it seemed. But Isobelle wouldn't dare say it to his face as she trotted along behind him.

As they continued onwards, they passed through more of Virginia's diverse landscape. The foliage was nothing like that in Oregon, there were so many things she'd never seen before. Isobelle couldn't help but feel confused. Why would Dominic bring her here? To a place full of life, and beauty? Looking down at her feet as she walked, she took note of Dominic's lack of footprints. Allowing herself to glance back over her shoulder, the only set of tracks she could see were her own. Curiouser she grew as she looked back up, staring at the back of Dominic's head.

He could feel her eyes on him as he continued on his path, and soon enough he had brought her to the edge of a roaring waterfall. It stood forty feet tall, pouring down against fallen trees and jagged rocks. Birds flew above their heads, a solo deer stood calmly at the bank, sipping thoroughly, and Blue Monarch butterflies were resting amongst blossoming milk weed. "Are you going to tell me why you really brought me here?" She chimed, "I know it wasn't just to explain to me the terms of our..agreement."

Isobelle walked to the waters edge once it was made clear this was their destination. She was quick to remove her shoes, and rolled up her pants,  before sinking her feet into the cool waters. Dominic raised a brow at her actions, before deciding to join her. "You're correct. I have other reasons." Sinking his long legs into the water, he looked at her with bright blue eyes. "I need your help." Hearing his words, Isobelle froze. That was not what she had expected.

Shaking her head as she brought herself back to reality, she stared at him, confused. "You want my help? With what, exactly? Because I will not hurt someone. I don't care how bad the mark hurts. I refuse." Her green eyes narrowed slightly, "I might be underneath you, yes. But I am not a murderer." Listening as Dominic laughed at her response, she could feel her cheeks turn red.

"You must stop thinking I am a murderer. I am not. Mortals make the demand. I make the delivery. If they don't hold up to it, then it is not me who is the murderer. But themselves." Looking out over the water, Dominic shook his head. "The actions you take, the decisions you make. It is the consequences of their own decisions that leads to their death." As Isobelle watched him, she took in everything he said with a hard swallow.  "I need you to help me find someone, not kill them."

"Who is it that you're looking for?"


Goosebumps covered her skin, and her eyes lit up with instantaneous rage. "You've got to be kidding me. You drug me all the way out here, for this?" She spat. "You want me to find Mac? He's the—" Dominic raised his hand, he had heard it a thousand times and didn't want to hear any more of  it. "He's alive, he's breathing. He's also bigger than me. What if I help you, and I find him. But it goes wrong?"

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