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Her feet pulled her down 5th avenue with ease as the rain began to fall. It was peaceful, paired with the smell of cooling asphalt. There was something about this city that just kept pulling her back. After every heartbreak, every hardship, this little mountain town remained the only constant in her life. Muddy boots slipped off her feet with ease as her lithe fingers tucked in loose shoelaces, she had made it home just in time. The scent of fresh bread drifted through the kitchen's open window as Isabelle opened the door to her family's home with a smile plastered upon her pale face. "I see mom isn't doing the cooking again. Still scared she'll catch the stove on fire again?" Isobelle's voice was soft, almost like silk flowing between two sets of teeth.

Over the years, they had all realized just how bad her Mother's cooking was. Even with simple things, her mother seemed to struggle in the kitchen. Isobelle's father didn't mind being the main chef in the house, and of course, every now and then, Isobelle herself would step up to the chopping block. "Your mother actually helped do the prepping, but as you know, we'll leave the cooking to me." Sending his daughter a wink, Albert tossed fresh oil into a warming pan. "Will you be eating with us this evening, Belle?" Of course, it wasn't often Isobelle was home for dinner. Between training for her big cello recital this weekend, and work, she found herself without the energy, or the time to sit in with her family.

Thankfully, today had been much different. She had knocked her cello practice out early in the day, pulled an early shift, all for the benefit of having family time. It was something she cherished. "Yes, actually. I'll be here this evening." Giving her father a smile, she couldn't help but be inquisitive. "Any particular reason you're asking?" Raising a brow, Isobelle took a seat at the island in her family's kitchen, cracking open a cold bottle of water. She was used to her father asking whether she'd be present or not at the dinner table, but something in his voice alerted her that there might be more to his question than what it seemed. Maybe it was the way he seemed to be taking extra time in preparing their meal.

After carefully scanning her father's work, it was quite obvious that even if she wasn't joining dinner, there would be two extra portions, compared to the usual one. Wiping chopped onions from the edge of his knife, Albert raised his gaze to meet his daughter's. "I have someone joining us for dinner this evening. He's a CEO of a big company that I'd like to invest in. He's also one of the finest Lawyers around these parts." Cracking a wide smile at Isobelle, Albert moved on to cutting peppers. "Promise me you'll be on time? This means a lot to me."

Looking at her father with big doe eyes, Isobelle shook her head with a blinding smile. She knew that her father was always looking for ways to expand his small business, and she supported him one hundred percent. "When have I ever disappointed you, Papa? Plus, this will give me a chance to brush up on my social skills." Shrugging her shoulders, Isobelle stood up before kissing her father on the cheek. "When should I be expected at dinner?" Wrapping her arms around her father's torso, forcing him to stop his cooking, she sighed into her father's chest.

Of course, the love was reciprocated as Albert set down his knife, and hugged his daughter tight. "About an hour, is that okay for you?"

"Of course, Dad." she smiled, "An hour is just perfect."


The grandfather clock in the hallway ticked away, until it began to chime. At last, the hour had passed her by, and she found herself excited to join her family downstairs. Standing in her bathroom with her fingers running through her hair, she pinned the strands that tried to run away. She spared herself one last glance in the mirror, before making her approach downstairs. Beautiful forest green fabric clung to her pale skin, flowing down to her knees as she slipped her feet into a matching pair of green flats. If she was going to show up to an important dinner, she might as well show up as her best self, right?

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