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Part of her wished Dominic would've told her why he wanted Macwood found in the first place, maybe that would make the ride, and the gun in her face, worth it. Her evening was supposed to be simple. Get off work, go home. Instead, she'd ended up in another, more dangerous, situation. This was not how she expected to find Macwood, and what he had said to her already had made her feel sick just looking at him.

Macwood sat in the passenger seat, his weapon pointed towards Isobelle's temple. Even if she wanted to try and get away, she knew no one could run faster than a bullet. The clock on the dashboard read two forty-five. There wasn't a soul on the streets, and the only thing illuminating the dirt road were her headlights. Macwood hadn't told her where they were going, but by the directions he'd given her, she'd easily figured it out. They were headed to Mount Mazama.

Everyone knew the folklore behind the place, and that's why the road they were traveling on had become overgrown with wildlife. No one ever came out here, not without the fear of disappearing pounding away in their chests. "So," Macwood's voice broke the silence, "how did you figure it out? How did you know it was me?" Watching Isobelle carefully, he raised a brow. The entire ride had been quiet up until this moment, and she wished it would've stayed that way.  She didn't give him a response as she kept her eyes on the road, there was no way in hell she would tell him anything.

After driving for half an hour, the dirt road finally came to a stop, and it was then that she spoke. "Why are we here?" Peering out the window, her green eyes studied the lake that had formed thousands of years ago. She had heard about the six people that had disappeared here shortly after her family had relocated. This was the first time she had ever seen it in person. Even in the dark, it was beautiful here, and in a few hours, the sun would rise. 

Keeping the gun pointed in her direction, Macwood reached over and pulled the keys from the ignition, slipping them into his pocket. "I'll tell you if you tell me." He chimed, giving her a devilish smile. "I've been doing this for years, darling." Years. In her heard, Isobelle wondered what he meant, seeing he had just recently come back from the dead.  "We're going for a walk." Opening his door, it took only a few strides before he was by the driver side.

Of course, she obeyed as he opened the door and waited for her to step out. "Is there a point to it?" Isobelle's voice was monotone as she felt the tip of the gun push into the small of her back. Goosebumps covered her skin, as she began to walk towards the waters edge. The closer she got, the more nervous she became.  Coming to a stop only a few feet from the lake's edge, she swallowed. "I can swim.."

"Of course you can." Mac's voice was full of wickedness as he cocked his weapon. "How did you find out it was me?" This time, when he spoke, it erupted from his chest as a low growl. "Who told you?"

A shiver ran up her spine as she stared out over the lake. Would she die because she refused to give up information? "Is holding people at gun point your fetish? Forcing them to answer your questions?" As the words left her lips, Macwood pointed the gun towards the sky before pulling the trigger. Isobelle covered her ears and dropped down to the ground on her knees. Her hearing was useless as her ears rang, and tears filled her eyes. She could barely hear Macwood talking to her as he aimed the gun at the back of her head with no hesitation.

Macwood was enjoying himself, enjoying the torment her was putting out in Isobelle's direction. "Maybe I should've taken you instead. You're much more defensive." Cocking the gun for a second time, Mac hummed. "Now, who told you?"

Taking what little bit of courage she had left, she turned her head enough to see Macwood out of the corner of her eye despite his threat. "The Devil." Silence followed her words, and she trembled on her knees. To her surprise, Macwood began to laugh. "What's so funny?" Suddenly, fingers were in her hair, gripping it tight. A gasp left her lips as she was pulled back against Mac's chest, and the gun found its way beneath her chin.

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