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The next morning 

Cedric's POV 

I woke up at 5, the sun hasn't raised yet. I walk up to Theo's bed and shake him up, he groans. Axar comes beside me as I hold Theo's legs and Axar holds his hands, we grin looking at each other before lifting him in the air and then banging him up on the bed. We laugh looking at scared to death, Theo as he throws a pillow at me and I catch it, still laughing. "You didn't have to do that," he said annoyed. "Yeah, but we wanted to"replies axar as we all start laughing. 

We leave our dorms quietly, watching our footsteps. We soon arrive at the Ravenclaw dorms, we look around as I spot y/n waving at us. "YOO" Theo says loudly but it wasn't audible thankfully, as Axar shuts his mouth by muffling him. I see her facepalming her head with a smile on her face as we come beside her.  "Morning boys!" she whispers. "Good morning y/n, can we please hurry up, I'm excited "Theo whispers back. She nods with a chuckle as she signals us to follow her. 

We follow her outside, it's really cold here as we enter the forbidden forest." I want you guys to stay behind me a foot or so for some time now." she says softly as she walks ahead. Theo runs behind her and asks, "Why?", she laughs as she grabs his shoulder, turning him around and bringing him near me and Axar as she says, "You will have to wait and walk behind to find out" and she goes without giving us a chance to talk.  "I don't think we should let her go alone like that," Theo says, Axar nods. "Yeah we shouldn't but I'm sure she has her reasons to do so and she is good with magical creatures, so she doesn't have much to worry about. Besides she is just one foot away," I say to them pointing towards the (HC)-nett. 

We keep following her from a distance as she stops and we hear some footsteps coming. I rush towards her, but I stopped as she signalled me to stop and stay quiet. She looks around. As she looks to her left, she flinches and then puts her hand on her chest as she gains her composure again. "Is that a centaur?" asks Axar. I look, where he was looking at, just a little ahead of y/n. That's why she flinched. "Yes it is, should we go there?" I ask. "No, as you said earlier, she probably knows him or something," Axar says and Theo's mouth hangs down from the scene he sees, y/n bowing down to the centaur. 

Your POV 

 I look around trying to find my favourite centaur and as I turn left I flinch because it was walking right towards me but I calmed down, realising it was just Firenze. I bow down to him out of respect, "I see you bought some company on your little adventure this time" he says. "Yeah, those are my friends, we're going to the lake, my usual place," I say to him with a smile. "Well be careful, as usual, I have to leave now and keep that golden one close, I have a good feeling about him," he says as he leaves. I shout, "I will and take care!" 

I call the boys over. "Did you just talk to that centaur?" Axar asks. "Yeah, and his name is Firenze" I replied excitedly. "Woahh your crazy y/n, why couldn't we meet him?" Theo asks. "Well he is always in a rush as you could see, and he is likely to get in trouble if he gets involved with more humans," I reply with a soft sigh. "I know they are pretty serious about their boundaries and relationships with human's, but could be so worst? Cedric asks. "Well in my third year, when Harry was in his first, Firenze helped him and got into a fight because of it, and we are only able to talk for a few minutes so that he could return to his area in time"  I reply as I take the last turn towards the lake and"Oh I think that's a bit wrong, human's aren't that bad,"  Theo says as I affirm it by giving a nod.  

We finally reach, there is cold mist in the air, the sun is rising from the horizon, I look over to a smiling Cedric, Peaceful Axar and overexcited Theo. I take out a mat from my bag and keep it down there. "This place is beautiful, How did you find it?" Cedric asks. Axar and theo are talking among themselves as Theo starts removing his shoes. "I keep sneaking around in my free time and one day I ended up here," I say to him, as Theo comes running towards me. "LET'S GO!" he says as he pulls me by my hand and I pull Cedric along. I take off my shoes and my clothes, as I had worn an f/c swimming costume under. I jump into the water. The ice-cold water hits my skin, making shivers run down my spine, giving me a pleasant feeling. I take my head out of the water, to see Theo doing a backflip and jumping in the water, Axar making a smooth dive and Cedric jumping in just like me. 

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