Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, at exactly 6:30 A.M. I slammed my palm on the snooze button, not wanting to wake up at all. I yelled into my pillow and suddently decided to get up from bed. As my feet touched the cold ground, I felt a cold spark, shimmer up my back, making me jump. I walked over to the bathroom, wanting to take shower. I turned on the hot water, I took off my clothes and walked in the shower. Oh how I love the feeling of hot water in the morning. The steam, that the water brings, feels so relaxing in the morning. After about thirty mintues in the shower, I decided to get out. I wrapped a towel around my wet body and walked over to my closet. I dried myself and put on my clothes. Today I was wearing a galaxy tee with black skinny jeans. I walked out of my closet dressed and over to my desk. On my desk was books that I started to pack into my black book bag. Then I walked over to my dresser to get my galaxy snapback and my galaxy vans. Today was a galaxy day. Before I walked out my door, I grabbed my pennyboard. As I was walking down the stairs, I saw my drunk father sleeping across the couch. I then walked over to the kitchen counter I grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet and then grabbed a glass a milk and sat back down on the counter. As I was drinking my milk, I saw my drunken father wake up. He walked towards me and slapped and asked why I look like boy. I ignored his comment and just continued to drink my milk. He slapped me again and I once again ignored him. He picked me up and chocked me. After a few mintues of being chocked, I fell to the ground grasping for air. He walked away to the bathroom which gives me enough time to get out of the house. I grabbed all of my things and ran out of the house. I want to leave my father but where will I go. I am 16 and have no family that wants me. All of my family memebers alive are abusive like my dad. I wish I had a better life. I skate to Tonys house. He wasn't outside yet, so I decided to sit on the porch and wait and I was waiting for him on his porch. I started crying, not want this to happen again. A few mintues later, Tony came out and sat next to me because he knew I was crying.

" Don't worry. I will protect you to the best of my ability. You have me and always will have me." He said trying to make me feel wanted.

I said, " I know. Its just that if I leave, he will come and find me and I dont want him to hurt me again."

" Atleast you know that I am here for you, no matter what and that I love you" he says as he got off the porch and started to skate to school.

I trailed behind Tony as I watch him skateboard infront of me. I watch him do tricks and flips. I am so glad he is my bestfriend. I am so glad I have someone who understands me. A few minutes skating, we arrived at school. We walked to my locker and then to his locker. At his locker, his girlfriend surprised him and turned him around a kissed him, right in front of me. As they were kissing, Rebecca, his girlfriend, gave me a nasty look as if I dont belong there. So I walked away. I was halfway down the hallway, where I hear Tony.

"Wait up." He said trying to catch up to me.

I just kept on walking and ignoring what he said. He finially catched up to me.

" What happened? Why did you leave?" He said.

" Rebecca gave me a skanky look, so I left. She doesn't like me just like everyone else. You know your my only friend. My bestfriend. And I think she is trying to tear us apart." I said as I continued walking.

Tony grabbed my arm and turned me around. As I turned around I flinched, having a feeling that he was my father.

" Why did you flinch? Oh Beth I forgot. I am sorry." He said as he started tearing.

" I will talk to you at lunch, okayy? I got to go to class. Bye Tony" I said changing the subject and walking away.

Tony's Point of View:

I didn't know Bethany was so scared of her father. She flinched when I turned her around, afraid that I was gonna hit her. I love her so much and I hate to see her hurt. When she was little, she was so happy with her mom around. But now that her mom is dead, she has felt hurt and scared. I then started to walk to my first class. As I was walking I kept on thinking of Bethany. I know she is my bestfriend but why do I think about her all of the time. I know we are just friends but I think of her more than a bestfriend. I walked into my class and sat at my seat. And all I did during all of my classes was think about Beth and how she flinched when I turned her around. Before lunch I decided to text Beth.'

Tony's and Bethany's Text Convo:

Tony: Heyy!

Bethany: Heyy Tony!

Tony: Where are you?

Bethany: Turn around! :D

I turned around to Bethany sitting on the other side of the lunch table.

"Listen, I am sorry about making you feel like I was gonna hit you earlier, I..." I said before she cut me off.

" I know. Its just that, she makes me feel uncomfortable around her. And I flinch because I thought you were gonna hit me and that you were my father." She said innocently.

" I'm sorry." I said.

" Don't say I am sorry because you didn't do anything. Just know that I love you and that you are my only bestfriend and that you should have our friendship come before anyone elses." She said with a smile.

I just smiled at her because her smile is so beautiful. Wait! No! I can't have these feelings we are 'just friends'.

" What are you smiling at?" She said knocking me out of my day dream.

" Oh! Its nothing." I said trying not to tell her the truth.

The bell rings, which means lunch is over.

"I guess it is time to go. I got to go to my class. Can I come over afterschool?" She said

" Yeah. But I football practice." I said.

" Oh, wel, I will just hang out with you mom, untill you get back home." She said sweetly.

" Sure," I said

She then walked off tp class. I watched as she walked away. She is so beautiful. Again, with those thoughts damn, we are 'just friends'. I then walked off to my class and just spent the rest of the day, even through football practice thinking of her. Bethany means the world to me but we are 'just friends'.

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