Chapter 4

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Tony's Point of View:

I woke up on the couch with Bethany in my arms. I look over at her face and I see her peacefully slepping with tear stains on her cheeks. I look over at the clock and see that it is 6:30 A.M. I try to get up and when I do Bethany moves and then my mother starts coming downstairs. I quickly get back into the position I was in and pretend to be sleeping. I hear my mother in the kitchen making herself some coffee.

Ms. Jones Point of View:

Last night I heard Tony open the door and I heard someone crying. I then heard Tony ask "What happened?". Than heard Bethany crying and talking at the same time. Bethany sounded really sad, however, I didn't want to inturupt there talk so I just went to bed. I woke up at 6:15 A.M. I went to check on Tony and David and Bethany, since I think she stayed to night. I went to David's room first since it was the closest room to my room. When I walked in I saw my saw David sleeping. I then walked off the Tony's room and I didn't find him there. I then walked back to my room and change in clothes and did my hair and fixed my bed. As I was doing those things, I couldn't stop thinking about what could have happened yesturday night with Bethany and Tony. At exactly 6:30 A.M I started to walk down the stairs. When I finially made it down the stairs I saw Tony sleeping on the couch with Bethany in his arms. They were so cute, but yesturday, Bethany said that they were 'just friends'. I than walked over to the kitchen and started to make coffee. That's when I heard Tony get up. He got off the couch trying not to wake up Bethany. He walked over to the kitchen counter and as he walked over, I could see the tear stains on his cheeks. I knew he had been crying last night.

"What happened?" I asked as he sat down on the kitchen counter.

" Bethany came over here crying because her father beat her up. She has all of her things in her bag and she doesn't want to go back. Once I heard what happened last night, I started crying and then I held her in my arms and then we both fell asleep." He said as he started to tear up.

"Well, she can stay here if she wants. She would have to stay in your room for about a week until you clean out the extra room from all of the boxes and buy a new bed for her to sleep on. She can stay here for as long as she wants." I said trying to get him to stop tearing.

" Really!" He said with alittle bit of hope, " Thanks mother."

"I will anything for you and Beth. You know I love Bethany." I said

"I know. I know. I am gonna get ready for school. Wake up Bethany in a few minutes and tell her that her bag is gonna be in my room." He said as he started to get up from the chair.

" Okay" I said as he walks over to Bethany's bag and picks it up and than walks up the stairs.

Tony's Point of View:

I pick up Bethany's bag and walk up to my room. I put her bag on top of my bed and I walk over towards the shower. First I take off my shirt and flex in the mirror. I than take off my pants and than my underwear. I turn on the water making sure it is hot. Once the water is at the right temperature, I hop into the shower. The feeling of hot water reminds of the feeling of Bethany while we were sleeping on the couch. Wait. No! Stop thinking these thoughts. We are 'just friends'!

Bethany's Point Of View:

I woke up on Tony's couch. Where is he, I thought. I sat up and looked around and saw Ms. Jones in the kitchen, sipping on her coffee.

"Tony said that he took your bag upstairs and that its in his room." Ms. Jones says.

"Okay" I said while I walked over and up the stairs.

I open the door to Tony's room to find that he was in the shower. I walked over to my suit case and took out clothes that I was gonna wear today. I took out a maroon color shirt and high waisted jean shorts. I also took out my maroon color vans. I then sat on the bed and took out my phone and saw that I got a text message from Jack.

Jack: Heyy Bethany! My friend Ezra wanted to know if he can hang out with you afterschool today.

I texted him back. Bethany and Jack's Text Convo:

Bethany: Ummm! Why couldn't Ezra ask me?

Jack: He didn't have your number and I didn't want to give him your number without your permission.

Bethany: Well, thats kind of you. Tell him sure.

Jack: He said to bring your skateboard to school because after you will be going to get some pizza and then going to the skate park.

Bethany: Kay

As I finished texting Jack, Tony came out in the a towel wrapped around his waist. I could the water dripping down his muscular upper body.

" Who are you texting so early in the morning" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Jack, he said Ezra wants to take me out after school and I said sure." I said nervously.

"Oh okayy be careful and by the way the bathroom is free now." He said with a smile.

"Okayy" I said as I walked over towards the bathroom. I closed the door and turned on the shower.

I first take off my pants and then my underwear and than my shirt and bra. I then made my way into the shower. The hot water made me feel good. It made me feel hot. After about 10 minutes, I took a shower and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom to find Tony sitting on the bed on his phone.

" Who you texting?" I said mocking him.

" I am not texting anyone. I am actually looking at photos of us together from a couple weeks ago." He said seriously.

"Awww. Let me see!" I said as I crawled onto the bed behind him. " Awww. Look at me so happy."

" Look that when I took whip cream and put it on your nose." He said laughing.

" Awww! I miss those day. We need to go out again." I said playfully hitting him on the shoulder.

I got up as he said totally. I grabbed my book bag and my skateboard.

" Are you coming?" I said before leaving.

" Yes, I am." He said while getting his bookbag and walking over towards me.

I started walking down the stairs and into to find to plate with chocolate chips pancakes on it. Tony and I ate and talked about things. When we were finished, we put our plates into the kitchen sink and headed out of the front door.

"Bye mom" He said before grabbing his skateboard and heading out of the door.

We skated to school as usual and he told me that his mother said I could stay there as long as I needed. I can't wait to be living their. Its like my life is starting over. Its 'the start of a new life'!

Just Friendsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें