Chapter 5

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Tony's Point of View:

Throught the whole day I can't stop thinking about Bethany. She is just so ughhhh. She is so fucking beautiful and awesome. I just can't stop. But I have to stop because we are 'just friends'. Maybe I do like her. Maybe I love her. But no! I can't love her, she is my bestfriend. WE ARE "JUST FRIENDS'. But ughhhhh. Now she is on a date with Ezra probably having a fun time. I just got out of school and I see Bethany walk off with Ezra, in a different direction that I walk. I decided to text her.

Bethany's Point of View:

School just ended and I had my very first date. I never had a boyfriend nor have I had my first kiss. And I never went on a date with anyone. I walk off with Ezra and as we are walking we are talking about our lives when we were younger and all. Then I got a text from Tony.

Tony: Goodluck with Ezra! ;) Tell him if he hurts you I will find him.

I ignored the text with a smile and told Ezra what Tony said we both laughed at Tony's comment. After about 10 minutes, Ezra and I just got to the pizza shop. He order 4 slices of cheese pizza and 2 Arizonia Ice Tea.

"So Ezra how's school?" I said while taking a bite of my pizza.

"I couldn't focus. I was just thinking about our date." He said with his mouth full of pizza.

I laughed and said, " Awwww! Did you know that this is my first date?"

" Ha. I did not know that. I would expect and beautiful girl like you to be out with alot of guys" He said flirting with me.

"No. The only person I went out with is Tony but that doesn't count because he is my best friend." I said in responce.

" Oh, well I would like to take you out on a second date but only if you want." He said nervously.

" Sure. Wait here is my number because Jack didn't want to give it to you without my permission." I said as I put my hand out so he can give me his phone so I can put my number in it.

He gave me his phone and I put in my number. I typed 347-771-5015. I put my name as Beth with a heart after my name. Then I to the other side of the table and sat next to him inorder to take a picture of both of us.

Ezra's Point of View:

Bethany came to my side of the table to take a picture, so she can put it as her profile picture.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she sat down next to me.

" We are gonna take our first date picture and then I am gonna put it as my profile on your phone." She said in a cute voice.

"Okayy!" I said with a big smile on my face.

We took like 5 different pictures. We ask one of the waiter to take a picture of us and we used that picture as her profile pic. (The picture in the beginning on the chapter) After we took pictures, we should there for another 30 minutes and talked and laughed. I think we hit it off. At about 4:30 P.M. we decided to leave to go to the skate park.

"Hey! Lets race to the skatepark." I said getting on my skateboarding.

" Do you wanna get you but kicked?" She said getting on her skateboard.

"Deal! One...Two....Three...Go!!!" I said taking off.

Bethany's Point Of View:

I think I found someone just like me. I really like Ezra. After we left the pizza shop, he challenged me to a race to the skatepark. I agreed. We took off on "GO!" I gave him a lead start because I wanted him to think he as a chance to win. I caught to him very easy. I passed him. I kept on looking back at him as he tried to catch up to me. I got to the skatepark first and when I got there I did my own little victory dance. He got there shortly after me while I was in the middle of my victory dance.

"I told you I was gonna win!" I said playfully punching him.

"I let you win okay" He said playfully punching me back.

" Yeah right!" I said as I started walking into the park.

Ezra ran infront of me and jump on his board and skated towards the small ramp. I sat on the bench next to me and watched him skate. Once he skated for about 5 minutes, he skated over towards me.

" Why aren't you skating?" He said as he sat down next to me.

"The small ramp is only for one person at a time." I said, " Plus I am going to do the big ramp.."

"Okayy be careful." He said as I started skating.

I skated over towards the big ramp and jump onto the ramp. I skated back and fort, up and down the big ass ramp. After a few minutes Ezra came and joined me. We both did plenty of tricks and flips, while on the big ramp. We skated together untill about 7:30 P.M. From the skatepark to Tony's house was about a half an hour walk.

Ezra's Point of View:

We left the skatepark around 7:30 P.M. While we were walking she told me that she will be living in Tony's house because of her father. While she told me her story, we held hands. Her hands are so soft. We got to Tony's house around 8:05 P.M. before she knocked on the door we sat on the porch.

" Bethany, can I ask you something?" I said nervously.

"You can ask me anything?" She said sweetly.

"Will you be my girlfriend? Bethany, we have alot of things in common and I like you." I said even more nervously.

" I like you too. I feel like you are the only person other than Tony who actually understands me." She said sweetly. " Yes, I will be your girlfriend."

After she said yes. I put my hand on her face and I used my other hand to move her hair from her face. Then I leaned in and kissed her.

Bethany's Point Of View:

After I said yes to his question, he caressed my face. The next thing I felt was his lips jam into mine. We kissed for about 2 minutes.

" I will see you tomorrow Beth." He said sweetly.

" Bye Bye Ezra!" I said in return.

Once he left the porch, I knocked on the door. Tony opened the door. I ran inside and up to his room. The I just layed on his bed. Wow, the was just the best 'first date' ever!

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