The Girl in the Mirror

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There's a girl in the mirror

I don't know

Who she is anymore

She used to be happy

And laugh along with her friends

But now she's alone

The girl in front of me

Has too many expectations

And a distorted view of the world

She thinks that she'll get to the top

But she's starting to realize

That she doesn't have the strength

Or the power to get there

She's realizing that she has to change

Her ways and her thoughts

But she can't

Because it's become a part of her

She can't get away from the desire

For more, for better, for perfection

She'll give up anything

For the life she wants

She wants the whole world

That's the only way she'll be happy

There's a girl in the mirror

And she's scared

That she'll fail

And never live the life

She dreams of

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