I See Love

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On the streets
In the hallways
I see love

Couples walk together
By the beach
They look into each other's eyes
And are enchanted by each other

Even the little boy has a girlfriend
They might not be serious
But they still care for each other
And make each other happy

All people want in this world is love
Maybe they want money
Or popularity or success
But without love they have nothing

Love makes the world go round
That's what they say
It fills your life with joy
And happiness

Everywhere around me
I see love
But I guess that I'm just not
A person who deserves it

I'll always be on the outside
Watching people finding their soulmates
While I pretend that I'm okay
With being alone

I'm not okay with it
I'm lonely
All I want is for someone
To love me

Is that too much to ask for?
Or do I just not deserve
To be loved
To be cared for

The world seems to be moving
Too fast
For me to catch up to anyone
And really get to know them

No one lets me in
No one cares
They only care about themselves
And their lives

Maybe I should be selfish
Like them
Maybe then I'll be loved
Maybe then I won't end up alone

I guess that being nice
Isn't a good thing
Because everyone who has everything
Didn't care about who they hurt to get it

Maybe I'm just not that type
Of person
Maybe I'm wrong for even wanting
To be loved

Maybe I'm supposed to do better things
Like be successful
But that'll never happen
Because being loved is the definition of success

On the streets
In the hallways
I see love

And it will always be
Out of my reach

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