Invisible Tears

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There's something in your eyes

So mean, so dangerous

Like a snake slowly slithering in

To take its prey

There's something in the way you kiss me

It's with anger

And pain

Like you need me

There's something in your embrace that protects me

And keeps me from screaming

In this crooked cage

That you've built around me

It's almost like

It would hurt you

If I let you go

Those blue eyes that had me enchanted

Are fading away

Into nothingness

You've put up a wall between us

And it's unbreakable

You've changed

In every way

All you do is frown and yell and scream

Like there's a fire burning deep in your heart

Slowly taking over you

I think of you

With wonder

And curiosity

Of how you would be

If you had never changed

I will take every sour word

With love and care

I will take every blow

With happiness

My pain is your love

And your love is my joy

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