Forgive Me

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forgive me of my wrongs

for my confidence has faltered

for you and I, our fate has altered

my cries, my sobs, these endless nights

of echoing loneliness and screaming fights

forgive me if I laugh at your mistakes

for I do not have what happiness takes

staring up, into the sky

stars don't shine bright, they lie

a tear falling down my cold cheek

as I lay here disturbed, selfish, pained and weak

silence is all heard, all said

not a sound as I lay here in bed

daylight shines in on me

but I turn away, joy only lets the heart decay

I'd rather be with only myself and stay selfish

than be with you and wish

the teacup in my hand trembles

and shatters to the ground, me you see

it resembles

I never want to move on

I'd rather be in this misery

than let happines take over me

for all it will do is break me

shatter my heart, like a teacup broken

like a delicate rose trampled on

like an unseen thorn discovered

so many thorns, to tear me apart

like a shredding cloth

like a broken shard of glass

stepped on

muffled sobs escaping from my lips

I guess that my eyes see what's fit

I deserve this pain

for I never loved you

never will I again

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