chap 3: a silent day

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The members had never seen Soonyoung stay nonverbal for too long. They all expected Soonyoung to wake up the next day and be back to talking, even if it was only a small hello, or short one word responses.

They had decided to let Soonyoung to sleep as long as they could this morning, so once it was time that Soonyoung had to get up Jeonghan made his way into the youngers room. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of Soonyoung starfished across the bed, mouth wide open as loud snores escaped their mouth, drool sneaking out of the corner, and a half eaten chicken strip tightly grasped in their left hand. Jeonghan held back a laugh as he made his way towards the bed. He gently started to run his fingers through the short tufts of Soonyoung's hair to coax them out of sleep.

"Soonie," He called softly. "It's time to get up."

Soonyoung's face scrunched up, stretching their limbs out. The lone chicken strip slipped from their hand before they rolled towards the wall, curling in on themselves trying to return back to the world of sleep.

Jeonghan wishes he could let Soonyoung sleep longer. Purple bags were still settled firmly below the others eyes, exhaustion clear in their body from the way their limbs relaxed into the soft mattress. Jeonghan quickly grabbed the chicken strip off of Soonyoung's bed, placing it on the otherwise empty plate on their bedside table before attempting to wake Soonyoung up again.

"Baby, I know you're tired, but you have to get up. We have to leave for practice in a few."

Another whine left Soonyoung's lips as they turned on the bed once again, now facing Jeonghan. Their eyes slowly blinked open, bleary eyes looking at Jeonghan before quickly shifting to a different point.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Jeonghan called as he began to ruffle Soonyoung's hair lovingly. "How did you sleep, Love?" He sat on the edge of the bed as Soonyoung pulled themselves up, back resting against the headboard. Soonyoung's eyes still wouldn't meet Jeonghan's as they then quickly turned trying to make his way off the bed past Jeonghan's waiting figure.

Oh. That's when it hit Jeonghan, Soonyoung still wasn't talking.

The younger gently nudged Jeonghan as they made their way off the bad and towards their closet.

"When you're ready just come out to the living room, then we can go," Jeonghan said sort of dazed. His eyes stayed glued to Soonyoung's back, watching them dig through their closet as he made his way towards the door.

Once Jeonghan had closed the door behind him it felt as though the weight of the universe crashed down on his shoulders. The realization of how wrong something truly is - How much Soonyoung must be hurting.

Jeonghan doesn't remember when he started to walk away from the door, isn't exactly sure how he actually made it to the living room. It felt like Jeonghan was floating in space, watching the world move around him, but he wasn't quite a part of it. Jeonghan had never felt so worried for Soonyoung in his life.

"Hannie," Joshua called out as Jeonghan entered the living room, face pale, eyes unfocused.

"Soonyoung is still nonverbal," Jeonghan mumbled out as his knees fell weak, dropping forcefully on to the seat behind him, "I-I don't know what to do- Soonie- they've never been nonverbal for this wrong, right? I- Something is wrong, we have to do something," Jeonghan's eyes traveled around the room, looking at the other members who had already come out of their rooms, desperately trying to form words. Desperately trying to express that they needed to do something quickly.

Yesterday they all stressed this importance of patience and waiting for Soonyoung to come to them, but Jeonghan is worried Soonyoung never will come to them - Stuck inside of their own head, not communicating their pain with the rest of them.

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