chap 5: cracks in the foundation

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Soonyoung had fallen asleep with a smile on their lips the previous night, a new lightness to their body. The next morning they woke up before their alarm had gone off, just as the sun was starting to shed a soft blue cast into the room. They only had a relatively short dance practice today before members would once again disperse into solo schedules - of which Soonyoung was blessed again to be a part of the lucky bunch that would be left to their own devices. A time in which he could talk to someone about what they had found last night, the only person they could even fathom having this conversation with first -- Jihoon.

Soonyoung was quick to make their way over to their closest, pulling out another pair of loose sweatpants, and as most of the members would call it, a absolutely heinous tiger print button up. They had thrown the clothes on accompanied by the same black beanie they had been sporting the last couple of days.

"Good morning!" Soonyoung chimed as they walked through halls towards the kitchen in an effort to actually get some substantial food into themselves before practice this morning.

"God, no, please not that shirt," Minghao gasped as the elder walked into the room. "Soonyoung, no." A look of horror settled onto his features.

"Soonyoung, yes!" They cheered, hands forming little paws, a small roar leaving their mouth as a wide grin spread across their face.

"You're an absolute menace, I hope you know that," Mingyu added as he made his way towards the table with his own breakfast.

"Let the tiger wear whatever they want, they aren't harming anyone," Wonwoo chuckled, taking the seat beside Mingyu.

"I would definitely have to disagree with that statement, it is most definitely hurting my eyes," Minghao jokingly bit, a teasing smile aimed at Soonyoung.

"Oh no, not that shirt," Jihoon whined as he walked into the kitchen, missing the entire previous conversation.

"All right that's it, everyone leave Soonyoung and their tiger agenda alone for the rest of the day," Jeonghan scolded from beside the counter, cup off coffee in hand.

Soonyoung had a brief pause, they wouldn't think I'm joking when I tell them... would they?

Just as quickly as the thought had come, Soonyoung pushed it to the back of their head. Today would be a good day. They are one step closer to feeling as though they understand who they are and they are going to talk about it with the person they care about the most — the person that cares about them the most.

Practice had been brief due to other members schedules, some members had stayed behind wanting to work longer, many of which tried to convince Soonyoung to join them, but they had a mission. Soonyoung had quickly apologized to the others, saying they had something to take care of before swiftly leaving the practice room in order to catch up with Jihoon's quickly retreating figure.

The two quickly settled into their regular routine of Jihoon working and Soonyoung doing whatever it was to keep themselves occupied, except Jihoon was quick to notice that Soonyoung was acting a little too much like they had the last time the two were in here.

"Soonie," Jihoon called turning around his chair, feeling a sense of deja vu crash over him.

Soonyoung's bottom lip was pulled between their teeth, an intense thinking look on their face as a deep crease settled on their forehead and between their eyebrows.

"You look like you're thinking pretty hard their, baby," Jihoon cooed as he rolled the chair closer to Soonyoung until he could lean his forehead against the others. "Wanna tell me what's wrong?"

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