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TW: gore? murder spiders, rats, teeth pulling

Mike lays down in his bed falling asleep waking up in his past body on C.Cs birthday, he looks down as the child crying, he feels all the guilt of his brothers death on his back he been having his nightmare for years, he grabs the kid putting the kid in the mouth of yellow bear animatronic, he trys to get his brother out of the mouth crying unable to move in this nightmare, he sees the head begin crushed begin pulled into this darkness seeing cc all bloodly his brain sticking out eyes missing just a gorey mess, " im sorry cc!.. im sorry im sorry!.. " he said crying it was no use it was only a nightmare.. or so he thought, he wouldtn hear him. ccs dead gone. " i wish i could tell him im sorry and i love him " he said to himself crying, the bloodly cc walking up to him, " i hate you. you killed me, its all your fault. your the worst brother ever. you think your the hero of the story? just cause you saved them? you set them on fire. sure you " saved them" but wouldtn that be painful? " the bloodly cc said looking at mike, " im sorry!.. i know im a monster but im sorry!.. " he covers his head crying cc walking up to him, mike begs for cc not to hurt him, cc grabs mikes hand. nailing nails in mikes figures, mike screams in pain crying. he grabs mikes head putting spiders in his mouth, he feels the spiders eatting him, he puts honey on mike tieing him up putting something hot under him and rats, as its hot the rats need to get out, but mikes in the way so they start eatting their way into mike eatting him alive, cc stands over mike smiling cutting tears into mikes face, he grabs mikes teeth pulling them out he cuts mikes eyes out, he feels his eyes roll down his face hitting the ground, a splash noise form the eye, it rolls near ccs feet so he steps on it mike hearing the splash from that walking over to mike he says cc say " whos the crybaby now, " before everything went dark.

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