.. maybe its not so bad.

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" never ever ever bring me back to therapy, "he said coldly to mike, "" you have to-.. " cc runs to his room pissed slamming the door shut,

hes been doing therapy for weeks now,

"so how are you today cc? "" she asked him, she always asked that, " the same as always dont care about everything just meh. "she writes that down looking back at cc "do you feel sad, hopeless, stuck or something else? '' cc nods and she writes something down '' so what do you feel and do you know why? " she asked him, he looks down '' i feel hopeless and stuck. trapped. '' he said, she writes more stuff down, " when you tell me you feel angry, what else do you feel? "' cc a bit stressed says something back to her " when i feel angry.. i just feel vengeful and hatred and want revenge on those who hurt me. '' she nods writing more down, '' do you think about the past a lot? or cant move on letting the past take over your life. '' cc nods, yes yes he did. '' i know the past can be bad but you need to think in the present, im proud of your work cc, you may not see it but your getting better, you hastn attacked mike in 3 days thats the longest so far,'' cc looked up at her listening, ''how to you see the trama? '' she asked him, '' i see it in a vengeful way, wanting revenge on who hurt me. i was a child. '' she writes that down '' okay so your angry at everything. that is fine and normal to feel that way, but it was a long time ago, your allowed to be hurt so one will judge you,'' 

C.Cs revengeWhere stories live. Discover now