ill kill you.

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he needs to kill him. he needs to be free, he cant take this any longer, he doestn feel anything but vengeance anger and pain. so.. not like he will feel bad. he just go to hell where he belongs. hes crazy. hes the villian now. hes the monster he never wanted this why did this wanted. he looks down at his hands closing them. he kill them all. all of the mask brats. they. need. to. die. he starts laughing unable to stop himself crying. he feels the pain form the past everyday. their all horrible kids. horrible! they need death! mikes faking feeling bad. dont get soft, kill him. kill him kill him! he covers his head unable to stop the thoughts. is this what his life has came to. looking into a mirror going crazy? no. hes not going crazy he been crazy. no wonder no one likes him. he just kill himself after mike. he imagined it.

** his imagination ** him grabbing the rope as he placed it on the ceiling. got on the chair placing his head in the middle tieing it tightly. he coughs unable to breath much. putting his foot on the chair, he kicks it down. falling unable to breathe. he smiles not even trying to get it off feeling nothing. his face starts to go blue in the mirror, thats funny! he looks like a blueberry, hes smiling feeling the pain. he starts spining it around. for the fun! his neck gos down more the rope cutting it a bit. his neck is bleeding.. aw that sucks! unable to move now his head stuck even tighter his face going all blue and proofy! he really does look like a blueberry! he feels the darkness taking himself over

** He snaps out of his imagination ** aww, that would be fun to do one day, but i need to do something before then. in the mirror he sees a shadow. watching him. the demon that lives in his head. "what do you want now." he said to the figure it laughed at him. "stop laughing at me. ill kill you! ill kill everyone! "he yelled at the figure "" awh.. cc? you think your so strong now. dont you. all you are is a monster. your crazy i mean your seeing things. im not real its all in your head. your acting out like this because you know everyone hates you. i mean of course they do, have you heard yourself? talking to yourself in a mirror, about killing your childhood bullys? also imagining killing yourself and just playing with the rope as you die? i mean. your clearly crazy. your gone, theres no coming back from this. " the figure said to cc scaring at him. cc feels himself full up with anger he grabs a knife trying to stab the demon going right though it and then mike walks in the room " are you okay cc?.. i got the food.. "

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