Exotic butters?-

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cc walks over to the kitchen, he hates mike but at least he has a house he can stay in. he starts going though mikes food a lot of it is old, looks like he hastn ate for a while this food sucks, he keeps looking seeing something called exotic butters? " Mike i knew you were werid but what the fuck is exotic butters. " he said looking at mike crossing his arms, mike looks back at him "look im sorry cc- i could buy you something form a store-.. " he said and cc walked by him into him making him fall a bit "then do that! im hungry! dont poison it or anything! and why do you like like a grape" he doestn let mike say anything else going to his room. he lays down tired. hes weak his brain doestn work normally, form the.. bite. he likes to fly more even though he has no wings, he can still fly just like a ghost well thats what he is a ghost a soul nothing more nothing less. hes a vengeful spirt, and he doestn like it, he wants to be free but he cant move on until he learns to forgive or gets revenge. should he kill mike. what if he fails and mike kills him? so what. if he dies he dies. why should he care he has a lack of feelings after everything all he feels is vengeance anger and pain. he hates it he just wants to be free like the others they killed william and moved on. why cant he! he looks at himself in the mirror. the blood dripping down his head his eye sticking out of his head, his brain sticking out he looks like a monster. will he is one. he cant sleep anymore after his death. everything is painful and sucks until he can be free. thats all he wants'

free me..



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