leave me alone!..

72 0 0

TW: spiders, snakes, gore, ect

hes panting, he barely made it, tried he gos back to bed waking up tied to the ground, cc standing over him, he tried to talk his mouth tied shut, crying unable to do anything, cc takes the thing off his mouth he starts begging for cc to stop, cc shoves the knife in his mouth, mike now coughing is trying to get away cc grabs mikes tounge cutting off little bits at a time, after a bit the whole thing cut off cc shoves it in his mouth making him eat his own tounge hes crying not able to talk he ties up mike legs and arms, cutting tears into his face, mike is crying his tears getting in his cuts begin painful, he starts cutting him all over pouring salt on mikes cuts, mike is in the worst pain ever cc opening his mouth which is still a bloody mess, he puts spiders in his mouth the spiders going inside his open cuts laying eggs in his mouth, cc grabs a snake putting it around mikes neck unable to breathe he trys to get the snake off this neck, cc is just scaring at mike smiling hes a bloody mess having a long black smile, unable to breathe he starts going blue cc watching still " aww! big brother, you look like a blueberry dont you, " the cc figure said, everything gos dark then he wakes up in fredbears family diner, cc still standing there staring at him, his arms and legs are tied up, cc puts him in fredbears mouth, he try to get out nothing working " give fredbear a big kiss! " said the shadow cc figure, he feels the bear bite down on his head, he hears the crush feeling the pain everything gos dark, he wakes up screaming jumping up crying a bit

Why can't I just be left alone

Leave me alone


Stop this

H̸e̸l̸p̸ m̸e̸

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