little vent

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Hello loves , i hope you all are doing well and that you all are healthy these times. I just wanted to share my feelings cause i think that's also really important but i just didn't know who i could talk to , first i just wanted to write it down somewhere but maybe some of you guys could use this to , so that's why im making this
Maybe you guys already knew but i went through a break up 2 months ago , it was literally heart breaking i never experienced hurt like that before,  and i dont know how i feel now , I already accepted its over , i feel better , but still sometimes there are these moments i think about how we were , how we used to be yk and it hurts , knowing there are things i can't tell her anymore , knowing the plans i had for us will not happen anymore . We still text , i'm really grateful for that.  But it's different,  she's different. And i mean it is also normal but still it hurts when you know how they were supposed to be like yk , sometimes i think moving on is a lot harder when you still talk to that person  but it would also be hard if suddenly the person you talked to all the time , every hour of the day you suddenly don't hear them anymore yk , I still have to figure some things out but time will help .
I'm just scared for the future,  i dont know if there will ever be an us again , there is a part of me that kinda hopes there is but idk i really don't . I'm also scared for when we will find someone new we will like forget about each other  , cause i get that for her new relationship it can be weird she still talks to her ex , I understand,  and if that person finds it weird and wants us to stop talking i will respect that , even though it will hurt a lot i will have to. The only thing i want for her is to be happy . But she doesn't have anyone else these are just things i think about like all the time haha . But for now she means so much to me , and i mean a lot to her . She really means the world to me , I don't know how much i mean to her but just knowing she loves me and cares for me is enough. She's still my comfort person even though sometimes she acts a little different (which also isn't that weird but still) i always find comfort in her , I really dont wanna lose her . Having someone that cares about you is just the best feeling ever , i know she will always protect me , and i will always protect her . And yes , some people might find it weird you still have these feelings for your ex , but caring about each other doesn't just end . We didn't end in a fight , even though in the beginning i was mad at her , I was hurt because my happiness just disappeared and i couldn't even do anything about it , but i knew i still wanted to talk to her and i'm so so happy we still do , I don't know how it will end for us , but i know for now that she will always have a special place in my heart , and i will always have a special place in hers. 

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