Ch. 1 ~ Before You Go

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"Fuck... what am I missing..." 

I mumble to myself while patting the pockets of my new uniform. Yes, I feel my car keys. There's my wallet, my phone, and I have my house keys jumbled in between my fingers. I fumble inside my duffel bag, making sure that my spare sneakers are in there. These work shoes haven't had time to break in to my feet and I'm sure as hell not going to risk blistered toes on my first night.

I reconfirm that my spare shirt, protein bar, and water are in there before zipping up my bag. Am I overprepared? Maybe. I'm not sure what to expect.
I've only gone to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza once many years ago for my niece's sixth birthday party. To my knowledge, the days are filled with music and the sound of families chattering and laughing all at once. It's pretty hectic, but joyous nonetheless. At least, from the inside looking out, it is. 
But the nights? It could be dead for all I know. I could spend the majority of the night playing games on my phone, bored out of my mind, making easy money.
On the contrary, though, I need to be ready for anything... I am starting as a security guard, after all. The frontline to danger. I wonder how common it is for trespassers to lurk around that part of town, but I guess I'll find out eventually. 

I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder. With my keys and ID badge in my hands, I walk over to the mirror on my way out for a last inspection. I glance over at myself, tucking a stray hair that loosened from my ponytail behind my ear.

My first night... 
The reality hits when I take my ID badge and drape it around my neck. A pang of nervousness twists my abdomen, but I attempt to shove it down. I play with the edge of my badge, scraping the plastic film with my fingernail.

It's okay. You're the new person there. They can't expect you to know everything. It's alright if you fuck up once or twice. Besides, they're supposed to have somebody training you tonight. Mark or... Mickey... Great, I forgot his name. This is embarrassing. 

I sigh and adjust my collar.
Just go in there and say you're here for training. Don't try to guess his name. Ask any noob questions tonight, and you'll be out at 6 in the morning for breakfast.
It'll be fine.

My expression softens and my eyes move over my body.
This new security guard suit feels bulky, and the navy blue fabric is awkwardly tight around my thighs.
But I look damn good in this purple top.
My suit makes me feel like I'm ready for serious business, like a deputy or sheriff calling all the shots. Yeah, I'm feeling myself in this uniform. Watch out, trespassers. 

For a moment, I fantasize about being the new, mysterious and slightly hot security guard. One who saves an employee from imminent danger and gains a secret admirer.
I scoff and come down from my daydream, quickly shaking off the thought. I'm there to do my job and get out, just like everybody else there. Save the cheesy romance for amateur fanfic writers. 

I pull out my phone to check the time, making sure I'm not running late.
That leaves me with about half an hour to get there. I take one final look at myself, giving my reflection a subtle, keen smile for a boost of confidence. I'm ready.

My keys jingle as I lock the front door and I make my way into my car, swinging the bag over to the passenger's side. I start the engine, plug in my phone to charge, and head out of the driveway.

As I make my way through the illuminated streets leading to the family restaurant, I recall the steps it took to get me here. Not right here literally, waiting for the buzzing, flickering stop light to turn green, but rather filling for a new position at the notorious pizza place.

I first became aware of the talk around town of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza last semester, in my Intro to Forensics class. We were going over the importance of comparing physical evidences when multiple cases seem to correlate. Somehow, the conversation led to the missing children, their correlation of course being the last place they were seen- Freddy Fazbear's.
It turned into a nasty debate. Some students were absolutely sure that a staff member was involved in the disappearances, but others argued there was no physical evidence to compare, rendering the whole thing a dead end.
No bodies, no proof, no development.

I'd be lying if I said the rumors didn't pique my interest in the pizza place. So when a new opening was announced in the weekly paper, the high pay grade was not the only factor that made me jump at the opportunity. It's all selfish curiosity, I'll admit. 

My phone received a call from the pizza place that same day, and the phone guy explained that the spot needed to be filled right away. I accepted, happy that this opportunity would help me bring in more money for my school needs, or any impulse buys for that matter.
And now I'm on my way to the mouth of the lion.

The phone guy also told me what to expect on my first night. He explained how the owner's son was the primary go-to person there, and that he would be the person I ask for once I get there. 

Don't be intimidated by his reserved character... he has his reasons. Just like all of us. He's a great guy to work with, and you'll find that out with time.

The phone guy's words ring in my head. For days, I have wondered what he meant by finding out with time...

I pull into the parking lot of Freddy Fazbear's. It's different from the image than I remember.  To be fair, though, this is the first time I'm seeing this family restaurant after dark. The parking lot's fluorescent lights are the only sense of direction I have to locate the entrance, which is a pair of glass doors right underneath a bold Freddy Fazbear's Pizza sign. The sign is adorned with an image of each mascot.
I'm certain that during the day, the happy bright eyes and smiles of Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica would light up a child's face with excitement. But right now at midnight... I do my best to avoid catching their stares. I can't help but feel their eyes eerily following me while I get my things together.

I survey the parking lot. Besides my sedan, there are two other cars spread out near the entrance. Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any person with bad intentions anywhere nearby. 

I adjust my bag onto my shoulder and lock the car, making my way to the entrance. 

Here it goes, my first shift. 

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