Ch. 3 ~ The Ins and Gutted Outs

475 15 11

Reader's POV

The door shuts with a clang.
The smell of old pizza and floor cleaner lingers in the area. Michael begins running towards the back and I jog close behind him. We run through a large party room with rows of tables, each adorned with birthday hats and confetti table cloth. The main stage rests at the center-back where two large animatronics stand still. The stage's lights are off and casts a shadow on them, but when we pass closer I recognize them as Chica and Freddy. Their heads are slightly angled down like they're powered off, but something about their presence is unsettling. I keep my eyes on them until we run past the area.

"Where are we going?" I ask, panting with every breath while my legs pound, one after another, sticking close to him.

We sprint by a cylindrical platform. The pirate cove's purple starry curtains are open but it's too dark to see anything in there.

"Just follow me" he pants, "Over here!"

He makes a right turn once we reach the back of the main area and we spring to reach another door near the back corner. He hurriedly unlocks it while muttering under his breath.

"Come on... come on... come on..."

He swings the door open and I follow him into a long hallway. my eyes adjust to the black-and-white checkerboard pattern displayed throughout the hall, creeping halfway up the walls. He addresses me without turning around, trying to keep his voice steady while our heavy steps echo through the corridor.

"Be prepared to walk into anything. Right now I need you to stay with me and be calm. There's a..." he hesitates, panting softly, "there's a chance the other person on-duty could be in danger."

"In danger of what?"

"...not sure. But no matter what you see I need you to stay focused. Your task right now is to help me help him. Can you do that?"

He takes a quick glance back at me, and I catch the sharp intensity in his blue eyes.

Shit... he's pretty...
...ughh, shut up. Focus damnit.

I assure him with a nod.
I don't have much of a choice now.

We turn a corner and pass by windows and opened rooms on either side. Office supplies, file cabinets, stacked boxes, tools.
Wires. Tons of them.

Faint sounds up ahead echo and crash together. They're difficult to make out at first as they mix with our breathing and footsteps. Eventually though, I begin to distinguish the banging...

and... singing?

More footsteps beat against the ground.

No. Definitely not singing. The noise crescendos to a roar and an older man yelling along with mechanical pounding and rattling. My gut sinks while we continue towards the chaos up ahead.

I don't understand...

All I could do is follow behind Michael. His hair is flowing behind him, stride assertive. He isn't phased by the commotion even in the slightest. That, or he's doing a fantastic job at hiding it.

Frantic, angry yelling comes through along with another sound that I can only describe as broken, mechanical shrieks. The sound makes me grimace, reminding me of a beaten-down children's toy when it runs out of battery. Except this thing keeps on shrieking over and over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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