Ch. 2.2 ~ In the Dead of Night (Michael's POV)

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"John... why is he looking at me like that?"

I call out to him from across the maintenance room. My eyes don't dare shift away from Bonnie for even a second. The animatronic's sinister glare stays fixed on me and makes my blood run cold.

He wasn't like that before. It better not be what I think it is... not again or I fucking swear...

I want to look away. I need to see that I'm not alone and make sure that John is there with me, ready for anything, but I stay immobilized.

My heart pounds against my chest when Bonnie's hideous scream replays in my memory.

We're stuck in a staring contest. I don't move a muscle so long as his disgustingly wide eyes stay anchored on me.

Don't break.

My lungs scream for more oxygen.

Don't break. Don't break. Don't break.

My breathing becomes shaky and I take shallow gasps of air against my will.

This is a bad dream. No, this is a nightmare.

"Yeah?? What's going on?"

His light-hearted voice gets closer and a fleeting rush of relief moves past me when his footsteps enter the maintenance room. He walks across to where I'm standing.

I don't turn to look at him, but his bulky frame appears in my peripheral vision.

Bonnie doesn't, either... there's malicious intent written all over his horrendous grin. My stomach sinks and I wait for him to strike at any moment, each second is agonizing.

"Look at Bonnie." I carefully say in a quavering, low voice.

"What about 'im?"
"He's doing it again."

John pauses and I feel him move from me to the animatronic. The maintenance man shifts his stance and his arms tense up against his sides.

A moment of dead silence passes.

"Where's the keypad."
John's naturally warm spirit is gone and replaced by a cold, grave tone.

"Don't move, don't point to it. Just tell me where it is." he adds.

"Front left of the room. On the table near the fuse box." I move my lips as little as possible.

"You better not move a muscle!"

The animatronic's glare intensifies with raw hatred, and my heart fights to escape out of my chest. I hear John rummage through the clutter on the desk.

"Hurry, John."
"The damn thing's not here!"

His words make me sway. Warmness pools in the back of my eyes and my vision slightly blurs.

This can't be it.

"Where is it, Mike?!"

I need to look. I need to rip away from Bonnie's stare to locate the controlled shock keypad. His motion sensor will go off, but I'll find it. I frantically devise a ridiculous plan while more clutter gets tossed around. I can try to sneak past his motion sensor if I move slowly. It seems like our only shot.

Millimeter by millimeter, my eyes slide away from the animatronic's face and creep to my right. My neck slowly follows the direction of my eyes.

Deep Violet: Michael Afton x Reader 21+Where stories live. Discover now