Chapter 6

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A month later........

"Twist & Fox, this is Monica speaking,"the month had flown by and Monica had proven to indeed be a quick study but also a God send. Nate didn't know how they survived without a competent receptionist, let alone how Oliver survived without a P.A.

Oliver had to admit, he was impressed. There hadn't been any screw ups, so what, she could do the job she was hired for. What he didn't understand was why everyone loved her so much. Even some of his more difficult clients had taken to her and let him know so.

Monica was overjoyed. Having a good paying job she actually enjoyed, having a relative who was actually around to talk to and love her and her baby, and even new friends like Nate and Jason. She didn't realize she was missing these things or even wanted them until they were given to her so freely.

Speaking of which, it was her grandmother and Jason who helped her as well to get where she was in such a short time. After she told Dora everything that happened at the interview, Dora all but wanted to call Oliver and curse him out. Monica practically begged her not to. She didn't want it to look like she couldn't fight her own battles. And while he was intimidating, she was going to kill him with kindness and prove herself.

Nate also enjoyed having someone around that wasn't a distraction to Oliver. He did his job but once there was a leggy woman around it was harder to get the man to concentrate. Distractions were literally a liability in their line of work so Monica was a blessing in more ways than one.

Nate and Jason had of course been discussing Monica's hard work in such a short time and they both felt she deserved something special.  Everyone around them at the job loved her already and now she just needed to look the part.

For some reason she wore these long black church skirts that did absolutely nothing for her figure that she was obviously trying to hide for some reason.  And blouses that even Dora or Vera would be too young to wear.  While they didn't work in the fashion industry, they had high class clients and being a P.A. and receptionist at one of the highest ranking firms in America, she needed to look the part.

"So it's settled then, we're giving her a pretty woman makeover, minus her being a prostitute." Nate said in confidence.

"Well we don't know how she got cute litte Chris now do we." Jason joked.

They were sitting in bed discussing how they wanted to get Monica a makeover to help her fit in more to the environment around her.

They were rich and could definitely afford it and Jason loved makeovers, especially people who deserved them.  Monica was a shy butterfly and he wanted to see her blossom.

"Cool, so this weekend, you can take her out.  Oliver and I have some cases to go over and then we can all meet probably for drinks after?" Nate asked

"Sure, now enough about Monica.  I need some love, it's been far too long" Jason said taking off his reading glasses and rolling on top of Nate.

"Fine, but we better get all the loving in before we find a surrogate and have a few little ones running around ourselves" Nate said lovingly kisses his husband's face.

The weekend was here and plans were made and set.

Christopher was with grandma Dora after she practically had to kick Monica out cause she didn't want to go out.  She hadn't gone out since she'd been in New York, granted she had only been there 2 months.  As Dora said, a young, attractive woman needs to hang out with people her own age.

So there she was hanging out with Jason.  He was a little older than her of course but they had become fast friends at least.

They were currently drinking mimosas while they were in phase one of Jason's "Monica's Mama Makeover", which was hair and light makeup.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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