Chapter 4

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Here is Chapter 4, Enjoy!

Monica woke up to the smell of home cooked food being made, which had been the new normal in the few days she had arrived in New York.  Grandma Dora had been spoiling both Chris and her rotten.

As expected she was alone in her room.   Since Dora had grew attached to Chris rather quickly and often came and took him on a walk or downstairs while she cooked.  Monica enjoyed the alone time.      She would use it to mostly look for a job on her cell phone.

The food was smelling good though so Monica decided to put the job hunt on hold and go grab her a plate.  After taking a quick shower and throwing on a basic graphic tee and some shorts, since it was summer time, sis was good to go.

Downstairs laughter could be heard.  Monica found Dora and a few other neighborhood women she had recently met laughing and talking in the kitchen.  The breakfast spread was laid out on the table, Chris was at the head of it in his highchair Dora had bought for him.

"Hi mama's big boy" she said kissing Chris on the head.  "Everything smells great! Good morning ladies."

"Good morning" came from them all.

"Honey wash your hands and grab yourself a plate, there is plenty.  I had the ladies come over to help with the cookout this afternoon so I treated them to brunch" said Dora, moving around the large kitchen effortlessly.

"Well that's nice of you.  I still think your going to too much trouble having this cookout for me" Monica said shyly.

"Oh please, your grandma finds any excuse to cook and have us all over" Ms. Johnson said laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever heffa" Dora said laughing and drinking some of her mimosa.

The older ladies were a hoot and definitely seemed more youthful than they were.  "Just wait until Vera gets here, my partner in crime is gonna throw down on my grill and you'll be glad I even invited you old birds" Dora said laughing heartily, causing everyone in the kitchen to laugh, even Chris.

"Speaking of Vera they should be on the way over here now, let me call them" said Dora.
Vera and Oliver were in fact on their way.  Vera just needed to stop by the liquor store and grab some more alcohol even though anyone who knew Dora, knew she kept her liquor stash full.  Oliver included, which is why he had an attitude when his mother told him to stop at the liquor store.  

"Ma, the game starts at 4.  I'm trying to be at aunt Dora's before then" he said annoyed.  It was Sunday night football and his favorite time, Dallas Cowboys were playing their rival, the Washington football team.

"Oliver, hush, we're gonna make it before then, last time I was at Dora's yall alcoholics drank all my Patrón and I know she hasn't replaced it yet" she said getting out of the truck and heading into the store.

Grumbling like a child, Oliver texted Nate asking if he and Jason had any luck with the job posting they had put out.  He needed an assistant fast.

Nate: Its only been a few days, I'm a miracle worker but not an angel.

Oliver: Fine! Tell Jason his team is gonna get their ass beat.

Nate:  J said and I quote, tell O stop being a hater cause he ain't got no assistant 😂

Oliver: Forget both of yall🖕

Vera was back in the car with her Patrón. Dora had called her asking where they were while she was in the store and now she was rushing him as if he decided to stop at the store.  Parents am I right!
The party was under way as more friends came in to see Dora's long lost relatives.  It was fun having everyone over, and Monica was definitely enjoying herself laughing at all her grandma's crazy friends.

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