Chapter 2

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Oliver believed in growth.  Despite the things he went through in the early stages of his life, he believed that you could grow from whatever was presented to you.  Sort of if life gives you lemons, make lemonade type deal. 

Growth was the reason he was in Atlanta this past week.  Not only to sight see the women but to also check on the expansion of his law firm, Twist&Fox, LLC.  Normally he and his partner and best friend Nate Fox would do this type of thing together, but Nate was busy working on his family with his partner Jason.

Nate also was just better at the technical aspect of the business.  Oliver just stood back and read people, that was literally his job as a lawyer.  The trip had proved to be successful in more ways than one.

Not only was the southern expansion a great idea, once again an idea of Nate's, Oliver was able to indulge in one his most favorite past times, women.  He had spent way too much money at a strip club before finally taking a rowdy bridesmaid back to his hotel for the night.

Fast forward to now and he was back on a plane back to New York to share all the details, work and otherwise, with Nate.  Not only was he stuck in coach, he was stuck beside a fucking kid!

What did he do to deserve this torture?  Sure the mom was hot but normally kids and planes didn't go well together, and Oliver and kids normally didn't  go well together either. 

All the excitement wore Monica out.   It seemed like as soon as she decided to pack up and leave Atlanta to go to New York 6 months ago everything has been on automatic.

The decision wasn't easy, Atlanta was all that she has ever known.  Just her and her mom.  When her mother passed away 2 years ago it was one of the hardest things she had ever been through.  Then a year later the best thing that ever happened to her happened, she had Christopher.

Back to the present and she and her baby were on a plane heading for a new life.  What was in store she didn't know.

The plane was up and in the sky.  All of the passengers, including our main characters were strapped in and ready for whatever might come their way.

2 Hours Later

We're back to the scene of our 3 main characters on the plane.  Along with most of the other passengers, sleep has overtaken them, well not all of them.

Christopher was awake and for a 1 year old a plane was an exciting thing. Looking around in wonder it was comforting to the child to know his mother was right beside him, even if she was sleeping.

On the other side was a big man who was sleeping too, he looked interesting, maybe he would like to play!

Oliver woke up to something heavy on his chest.  Startled awake he was shocked to once again see big grey eyes starring at him.  Looking for the mother of this child, he saw that she too had fallen asleep.  Oliver would have none of that.

"Hey, hey lady!" Oliver said shaking the young mother awake.  She woke up a little sluggish, yawning and stretching, giving Oliver a small glimpse of skin.  Snap out of it! Oliver chastised himself, you don't do chicks with kids.

"I think your kid thought I was jungle gym or something."  He said unimpressed.

"I am so sorry!" Monica realized that Chris had crawled all up on the man.  Standing up she grabbed the boy and sat him in her lap.

"Sir, I really am sorry, I hope he didn't disturb you too much" she said meekly.

Oliver felt a little bad.  The woman felt awful and all her kid did was crawl on him.  "No harm done" Oliver said quietly and turned to hopefully be able to get back to sleep.

Monica watched the stranger beside her sleep.  He was kinda handsome in that rugged way.  He was definitely a business man of some sort with that expensive suit he wore.  Strong jaw and a buzz cut hair cut, high top style.

The last time Monica looked at a man in a interested way, she ended up with Christopher.  Focusing back on her child, she fed him and tried to get herself as well as him to sleep.

45 min to New York

Oliver was back awake and ready to get the hell off the plane.  Looking over at his travel companions, both mother and child were sound asleep.

He went to the bathroom and to stretch his legs.  When he came back and was once again met with those grey eyes, this time the boy was in Oliver's seat.  He was kinda impressed the kid moved quick, he was just fast asleep not even 10 minuets ago.

"Your a little ball of energy aren't you?" Oliver chuckled down at the boy.  That excited the boy cause he giggled back and reached his arms out for Oliver to take him. 

Even as a foster kid Oliver didn't have much experience with the younger kids and wasn't really sure if he could hold the kid.  He didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

"Sir, the plane is landing soon, you need to hold your son and buckle up" said a leggy flight attendant walking by.

"Wait he's not my so-" Oliver tried to say but the lady was already gone.

"Damn it, fine looks like your landing with me kid." Oliver said chuckling to himself.

Monica woke up to the plane landing.  It was a little shaky and she jolted awake.  Looking around the sight that she saw was perfect.  The handsome stranger looked even more handsome as a held her child soothing him as the plane landed. 

She hadn't realized she was starring until the stranger cleared his throat.

"I think his ears started popping on the way in" he said timidly.  "But I think he's ok now, right buddy?" He said looking at Christopher.  Christopher just laughed and clapped.

"I take that as a yes" Oliver said laughing.  "I'm so sorry he bothered you again" Monica said sadly.

"Its no problem, he's a funny kid.  I guess I'd have to get used to a kid anyway since my best friend is starting a family" he said.

"Oh that's nice" she said.  "Here, I'll take him back" she said reaching for Chris.  Christopher tried to grasp on to Oliver's jacket as if he didn't want to go to his mother.

"Chris come on leave the nice man alone" Monica said.  She was surprised that Chris was acting like this.  She felt bad because maybe at his young age Chris was probably looking for a "dada".  It was his first word which knocked her on her but, especially since his dada was never in his life.

"It's ok bud you gotta go back to mom" Oliver said getting the boy to let him go.  Oliver honestly did have fun with the kid until he started crying but Oliver somehow was able to quiet him.

"Thank you" Monica said.  "Its fine, I saw you were tired." Oliver said smiling.

The plane had come to a full stop and people were leaving.  Oliver looked at mother and son and bid them farewell.  "It was nice meeting you Chris, and you too mom
" he said chuckling.  "I guess you should just call me Monica"  she said laughing back.  Monica, the name fit her.  " Well I'm Oliver, if you ever need a lawyer, my practice is Twist&Fox." She knew he was a business man she laughed to herself.

They departed once they got inside the airport.  Oliver to his personal driver and Monica and Christopher to a taxi, both wondering about the stranger they met on the plane.
Chapter 2 done.  Hope you guys are enjoying so far.  Comment, like, share, excelsior! Chapter 3 soon.

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