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Decided to write a book for Rafe McCawley x reader since there aren't many. I love Danny but Rafe needs love too.

Entering the medical tent filled with nurses and the new recruits wanting to sore in the skies in airplanes. I can't blame their excitement in it either. My name is Y/n L/n and my father is the flight captain of the army. He sent me here to scope out the incoming pilots. Fixing my army jacket I see a nurse friend of mine, Evelyn dealing with a man with dark blonde hair. "Hi Y/n, I didn't think you'd be here." Evelyn waves me over and when I round the medical table I finally stare into this man's eyes. "I think this is the first time I've seen a woman in army green and I gotta say you're beautiful." The man spoke trying to flirt staring into my eyes. Flipping some hair over my shoulder I smirked clearly getting a cocky vibe from him.

"That's for the compliment recruit but I'm not dating you. What's your name anyhow?" I asked hands on my hip trying to do a serious pose like my father does when he talks with his pilots. "Rafe, Rafe McCawley. Do I get the pleasure of knowing your name?" Another boy standing behind him stares at something on my jacket, my name tag I'm required to wear. "Rafe, read her tag. She's the-" Rafe interrupts the boy parting his lips in shock, stuttering in embarrassment. "Oh shit. Ma'am I'm sorry. I should've known your the captain's daughter..." I shake my head kinda liking that he can get embarrassed around me. Evelyn hands Rafe his chart moving him on and he follows me around the tent as I scanned the others, especially the guy who was behind him. "Miss L/n, again let me apologize for earlier." Rafe tries until I spoke up asking him. "Do you happen to know the man who was behind you. I think you'll both make good pilots."

A huge grin masks Rafe's face and he pointed his index finger back to the man with dark brown hair. "That's my best friend Danny Walker. He's like my brother. You really think we'd make it?" Shoving my hands in my jacket pockets I have to tilt my head up since he's taller than I am. I had to admit he's attractive that's clearly obvious. But I have to bit my tongue trying to avoid the thought of getting involved with any of these men. My father has one strict rule about me to all the pilots who enlist for him. Don't date my daughter. Ever since I was a teenager and stood by his side with the airplanes he made sure that none of the boys got distracted by me. It's the best way to make sure we don't lose a war if another one ever started up again.

"Well recruit I've gotta go, duty calls." I saluted raising a hand to my forehead and he does the same back at me smiling. Turning on my feet to leave when I'm almost out the tent Rafe called out to me. Glancing over my shoulder my hair falling in front of my eyes he asked. "Will I ever earn the honor of knowing your first name?" Evelyn and I make eye contact and she winks at me, being able to read the smirk on my lips. "Maybe you will. It depends on your chances of getting under my father's unit..." Rafe stands in shock taking a few steps forward hoping his changes are good. "How accurate is that number?" Grinning back at him I wink exiting the tent without another word. "It's the exact level of excitement you feel about getting to fly one day." Danny comes to stand beside his childhood best friend raising an eyebrow. "Oh don't tell me you're gonna try and date the captain's daughter. Rafe, it won't end well." But all Rafe could do was grin at the exciting chance of knowing you.

Comments really appreciated :)

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