Heart of a Volunteer

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"Rafe, Jap's killed my parents!" He doesn't respond at first as I let more tears go while I sour around multiple buildings up into the clouds. "Y/n lisen to me. Let's head over to battleships row and make these son of a bitches pay!" I nod my head catching up with the two boys. Japanese you have no idea what you've done.

Flying over the destroyed Pearl Harbor the three of us fly after the Japanese planes that can still fly in the air. Danny kept firing until he blasted one to which he cheered to the two of us. "Rafe, Y/n. I got him!" The harbor men floating alive in the water cheered in victory watching the three of us protecting them in the sky. "Pulling out to the clouds, you two. We ain't gonna let these son of a bitches get home." Rafe declared cashing after them into the clouds. While I'm racing after one I hear Rafe through my headset firing aggressively at his target. "How do you like it when someone's shooting back at ya." Danny zoomed past me doing barrel rolls of shots until his target goes down. "Yeah I got one!" 3 down one to go. The Jap's plane in front of me tries to dodge my shots disappearing into the clouds but I keep pressing the trigger, forcing the plane higher into the sky. "Oh you ain't getting away that easy." The Japanese tried to fly over me but I yanked my controller upward flipping around to follow him again with Rafe yelling in my ear. "Y/n, your almost out of fuel!" But I aggressively pressed the trigger thinking of of my mother and father dying, after a couple misses I hit them and it exploded.

Red errors flash across the small tv screen as I started falling towards the ground so I aggressively pulled the controls hitting the ground harshly. The plane gets jostled around and I bang my head on the headboard sliding into a destroyed building. I can't tell if I'm on the ground or not because everything is spinning and dizzy. Suddenly harsh pain shoots through my stomach and I moaned in pain hearing the door get yanked open. "Y/n, fuck Danny help me get her out of there!" Rafe shouting went in and out as he and Danny pulled the door off crawling inside the plane, slowly pulling me out. "She doesn't look too good Rafe." Danny holds my arm trying to stop me from falling backwards. I can barely keep my eyes open but can feel cuts on my head. Looking at my shirt I see drops of blood that must be falling from my nose. "Hey baby, can you walk. Do you hear me?" Rafe stands in front of me with a horrified expression as I try to speak but when I take a step forward I collapse into his arms. "Oh crap Y/n, woah it's alright...ugh I've got ya." Rafe grunts catching me holding me bridal style right before I pass out and everything went black.

"Y/n, Y/n, it's me it's Rafe. Can you hear me?" I heard someone calling out to me as I slowly started regaining consciousness blinking my eyes open and closed for a few minutes. Gripping the bedsheets in my hands I groan feeling everything hurt feeling a band on my right wrist. "Ra - Rafe, what does it say?" He takes my right hand in his left his thumb running over my hand. "Doctors order you can't fly for a year or more..." I shut my eyes tightly mumbling out in tears to my boyfriend. "Why can't I fly. What did he say?" The first time I actually get to fly a plane on my own I get injured. "She, you mean. Evelyn checked you out. Why didn't you tell me sooner babydoll?" Squinting my eyes open to look into his brown ones that hold a slight glow even though I'm flat out confused. "Tell you about what, babe?" Rafe reached forward with his left hand tucking hair from my eyes and I see he has a bandage around his arm meaning he must've gave blood. "Honey a baby, our baby." A huge grin plastered on his lips and his brown eyes glow brighter seeing one form on my face too. "I'm pregnant...we're gonna be parents. Oh god Rafe they would've been - grandparents!"

Rafe doesn't hesitate a second to pull me into his chest gently hugging me after climbing onto the coat with me. My hands clutch the fabric of his bloody jacket so tight that I almost turned my knuckles white. Burying my face in crook of his neck I sobbed feeling his freehand run circles up and down my back slowly with his other hand clutching my shirt. He may not have known them long but he knew something you didn't. Your father's last wish was for him to marry you and ask for you to be his wife with your grandmother's wedding ring that he manages to still have in his pocket. "Sssshh baby I'm right here. We'll avenge them, you here me. We'll avenge them you and me. I promise...I promise Y/n." He whispers into my hair as we sat for over two hours just like this holding onto to one another for dear life. Day's later the curnal showed up at the mostly destroyed flight base and he wants to speak with me privately about this war the Japanese just started with the US after the pearl harbor attack. "You have nothing to worry about baby. He'll listen to you, I know it."

Rafe helps me pull my army jacket on since my left wrist is still healing from being sprained. Turning around I wrap my arms around his neck biting my lip feeling him rest his hands on my waist. Danny is back at the house with Evelyn waiting to hear what the military wants to do next. A lot of people who served are dead but most of the people who remain want to go and fight. "Thanks Rafe. I'm just worried...I've never lead anyone into a war. Actually I haven't lead anyone really...what if we lose because of something I say?" He wipes  away my tears with his thumbs weakly smiling down at me. "Hey you can do this honey. You flew an airplane like a badass so leading the rest of us into the sky should be no problem." A knock at the office door makes us break apart to see one of the remaining pilots standing in the doorway. "The colonel is ready to see you, ma'am." Rafe leans forward kissing my forehead before I followed the piolt down the hallway into a closed room seeing the colonel. The door gets locked leaving us alone looking out a window where we could see the pilots flying in the skies.

"Harsh times we find ourselves in don't we miss L/n or should I say Captain L/n?" He spoke not looking me in the eye until I spoke shoving my hands in my pockets. "Y/n, is just fine. So where should we start with this war?" I questioned rounding a table with a map that's marked with our areas and Japan's. He walks over pointing from where our ship would be towards the Jap's. "I have an idea that will sound crazy but I think it's the best we've got so give me your opinion. We land 400 miles away from China so they don't suspect us flying in to blow up their buildings." Shifting my eyes across the map I don’t see another way around it. Resting a hand to my belly I take a deep breath. "It's the only plan we've got. Let's go, let's make them pay." The colonel follows me raising an eyebrow at me clipping the golden pin on my jacket, slinging a pack over my shoulder. "Miss L/n it's not safe-" Holding up my left hand I cut him off, done taking crap from guys. "I'm coming with you and the boys. My father died so now I'm Captain in his position." He comes to rest a hand on my shoulder proudly smiling with watery eyes. "You're father was a good man. He spoke of you once said you'd be different than anyone I've met. I can see it now. And it's people like you who will help us win this battle." I raised my hand saluting to him and he does the same to Mr before we climbed on the boat loaded with the boys and their airplanes.

The next thing I'm doing is running onto the landing deck needing to find Rafe before they take off. The Japanese are near our position so we have to launch immediate takeoff. Pushing my way through all the men I find Rafe climbing up into his plane shouting to his team. "Start free flying, let's go!" A deck worker hollered out about their fuel making me whip my head his direction feeling fear shake my body. "Add ten more cans for each plane, every plane!" The planes weigh more than we planned so the kitchen staff cut broomsticks and painted them to replace them with some of their guns. "We're got broomsticks for tail guns." Danny's complaining tone finally helped me find the boy's. Evelyn wanted me to look our for the father of her child. "It's the only thing we can do to lighten your loads, Danny." He sees me just when Rafe raced up behind me wrapping his arms around me from behind, knocking my cameo hat over my face a little so I have to fix it. "Yeah maybe it'll scare them....I didn't think I'd find you before take-off. "

Moving to only be under one of his arms we faced Danny he spoke to the both of us. "You take care of yourself up there." Rafe nodded to the man he treated like a brother. "Yeah I wil...Danny be careful, you hear me?" Danny smiled at me saluting and I saluted him back. "Do good up there, Piolt Walker." He nodded rushing off to his plane leaving me alone with Rafw surrounded by airplanes ready to fly off into war. The wind blows my hair into a knotted mess that he brushes behind my ear, rubbing his thumb across my cheek. "I love you, Y/n. Remember that now and always I'll love you." Resting my hand over his on my cheek I removed the gold pin clipping it onto his jacket. "Rafe take this so I'm up there with you..." He rests his forehead down to mine pulling me against his chest with his other arm. "I'm coming back to you. Y/n you and this baby of ours doesn't have to worry." He started to just kiss my forehead but I grabbed the collar of his jacket pressing his lips to mine.

"I'll always have to worry solider. Not just about you and Danny, but every solider on this ship deck. There's something that's keeping me going though..." Rafe tilts his head curious running his hand up my side. "And what's that hmm?" Resting a hand to his cheek I smiled up at the man I love. "Something you said in one of your letters. That the skies would always keep us together...I love you too." He sniffs a smile leaning down kissing me passionately before we break having one of the men wave at us, hollering to Rafe. "Rafe, Y/n for the tip of the swarm!" Together Rafe and I throw up our intertwined hands signaling the planes to start their engine's preparing for flight take-off.

Comments really appreciated :)

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