Finally Home Free

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Every plane is fired and ready to go. The colonel is the first one to fly off the ship hanger deck and I hold my fingers together praying that the weight thing won't be an issue or we're all screwed. Clutching Rafe's dog tags in my other hand I hope this works. He gave them to me before he climbed up into his plane saying so we'd always have a piece of each other with us. The wind from the engines nearly blows my hat off my head. Rafe's plane goes off the hanger next then the others before the rest of us watch them all flying in the sky. Without thinking I throw my hands in the air cheering with happy tears. "Yeah, those are my boys!" Leaning my head down to my stomach I talked to my baby even though it was too early to properly hear me. "There goes your daddy baby. Off to save the world with his best friend." All the ship workers run out to where I stand cheering and hollering out as well. Entering the ships control room I bang around on a old radio turning into the planes and to hear the president speak.

"From Berlin, Rome and Tokyo we have been described as a nation of weaklings and playboys. Who hire Brittish or Russian or Chinese solders to do our fighting for us. Let them repeat that now. Let them tell that to General Magover and his men. Let them tell that to the soldiers who today are fighting hard in the far waters of the pacific. Let them tell that to the boy's in the flying fortresses. Let them tell that to the Marion's." Turning up the station volume I scanned over the marked map hearing the colonel announce to me. "We're in the enemies back yard. Heads up, heads up boys!" A few seconds later Rafe called over the radio. "Alright boys let's knock their clocks off. Bombs away, bombs away!" Static came over the line breaking up as explosions and I lay my head back in the chair sighing in relief. Closing my eyes I smiled for a second until something different comes over. "Y/n, we've flack everywhere!" The colonel shouts back with shots being fired at them. "I want everyone to separate!"

Shoving a headset on my head I try reaching them to tell them where to land or something. "Rafe - Danny - colonel. Somebody give me something, damnit!" Rafe hollered to Danny with everybody screaming. "Get into the clouds Danny right now. Get up into the clouds-" The line cuts off and I twist dials, shouting needing to hear something. "They're gonna tear this plane apart - get up into the clouds Danny. Get up in that soup!" After that the radio signal goes silent and I slammed my hands on the table feeling tears falling. "Rafe - Danny,, shit no..Rafe!" Ripping my headset off I throw it at the window collapsing onto the ground. The colonel told the volunteers it was possibly a suicide mission. Why the hell did I let them go. Why Danny, why Rafe. Pressing my head on the ground I sob heavily feeling my heart literally trying to beat out of my chest. "Captain L/n, we've gotta head in-land." A worker bends down on a knee trying to help me up. Instead I shove him backwards crying still screaming. "We can't leave. They could still be - they could be. I - I can't lose - I refuse to lose him again - oh Rafe!" The worker slowly pulled ne into his chest letting me death grip his clothing, getting me to leave the room.

The boat had returned me home and the crew home early to pickup the surviving boys in a large airplane. Evelyn and I waited outside with all the crowds of people who felt the same worries we did. Did our loved ones come back alive. Clutching the dog tags in my left hand Evelyn and I hold the others hand seeing the plane land. The door opens and the first person I see step out onto the stairs is Danny. Evelyn releases my hand racing to him in heels and he rushes down the stairs twirling her around in his arms even though I see he's got a lot of sewed up wounds. Slowly other soldiers stepped out around the door lifting out wooden coffins, at least the ones who weren't harshly injured and it's then I feel a tightness in my chest. The wind blows my hair and dress around as I clutched my hands on the tags, trying to not start sobbing again. No, not Rafe. Please not Rafe. The boys come down the stairs but I still don't see him which makes me hang my head down in grief.

Turning on my heels I started to the leave the area until I heard the voice and this time I knew it wasn't a dream. "Captain Y/n L/n!" Whipping my head around I saw him standing at the bottom of the stairs with a bandage visible under his tan military outfit. His blonde hair tousled and some cuts on his face but a damn smirk on his lips. Picking my feet up I rushed towards him faster than I ever thought I could. Flinging up and into his arms legs wrapped around his middle and my arms wrapped around his neck. He stumbled backwards a little to regain footing wrapping his arms around me to hold me up. He slowly sits me on my feet but never pulling away too much only enough to be able to see my smiling face with heavy happy tears. "Rafe, I thought - I thought. God, I love you - I love you!" I sobbed pressing my face into his chest feeling him rest his chin ontop of my head releasing tears at seeing me again but also for his military brothers that didn't make it. "I love you too. I love you, Y/n."

"Hey, hey, I need to do something before anything else happens alright..." He stated brushing my hair from my face on both sides grinning. He stepped back reaching into his pocket dropping down on one knee right in front of me. My hands fly to cover my mouth in shock eyeing my grandmother's ring that she gave to me before she passed away. "Y/n L/n, I love you. We fell in love so fast that it scared me and warned my heart at the same time. And somehow we found our way back to one another in the middle of a war. If we can get through this I see no better person for me. So will you marry me?" More tears fall down my face as I sniffed with a grin. "Hell yes, yes Rafe McCawley." He got to his feet slipping the ring on my hand then tugging me to his chest by his own dog tags that I wore around my neck. He kisses me with all the passion he's got and I tugged at his hair deepening it until Danny and Evelyn ran over grinning and both saying congratulations with huge hugs to the both of us.

4 years later the wind blows through my loose and wavy hair with the smell of a simple country farm hitting my nose. Stepping off the porch a young girl tackles me in a giggling hug cutting me off guard at first. "Mamaw, Daddy said he'd take me and Danny flying!" Picking up my daughter in my arms the wind blowing through her blonde hair and her eyes matching me filled with excitement. Evelyn leans on her husband who sits their son Danny down in the grass to play with flowers. "Hey baby, how'd you like to go flying Cassie?" Rafe leans down kissing me softly ruffling our daughters hair with his right hand. Danny and Rafe hold their kids in their laps. "On your command, Captain Y/n McCawley!" Rafe cheered with a cheeky grin. I saluted to him and Cassie follows her father and does it back to me. "Take them to the skies, Rafe McCawley." He flew the plane up into the sky and I couldn't help but smile seeing my family flying up into the sunset.

Comments really appreciated :)

Thank you to all military people serving currently or who are veterans. Thank you for protecting our country ❤️ 🇱🇷 ❤️ 🇱🇷

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