Changing History

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The morning started as normal as could be with blue sky and the sun shining over the harbor. Like today would be ordinary like everyday before this one...well that's where you're wrong. Today is beginning of another war. We just didn't know it yet.

"Morning sweetheart, did I hurt you?" Rafe's morning voice croaked as my eyes flutter open seeing the sunlight streaming through my bedroom curtains. Stretching my arms and leg out I yawned laying my head on his bare chest. "No Rafe you didn't hurt me. Everything was fine." He leans up kissing me for the first time this morning. I roll over onto him kissing him back deepening it until a knocking sound goes against my door. "Hell, my parents are home early." I curse under my breath rolling off of him as he tries to pull his clothes back on as quiet as possible but falls knocking some books on the floor. "Y/n, is everything okay?" My mother's voice questions once I threw on a tea shirt and pants, my knotted hair somewhat fixed. "Yeah mom. Just dropped something on the floor." Waving my arm towards the window I needed him to leave. "Go out the window. They can't see you-" But as he's through my father's voice hollers from the front porch sending shivers down my spine. "Who the hell's car is parked in our driveway!" Nice going Rafe!

Opening my bedroom door I rushed outside to see my parents both on the porch with dad reading Rafe's license plates. "McCawley, where do I know that name from?" He taps his chin right before Rafe fell in the front yard front my bedroom window. "Youuuu!" My father growled charging at Rafe once he's up on his feet, knocking him back down into the grass punching him. "Y/d/n!" My mother's kept yelling at my father to stop beating him up. Rafe does his best to block his hits but I rushed over pulling my father off him and Rafe shuffled to his feet in less than a second holding up his fists to fight. "Enough. Stop it dad, stop hurting him. I love him!" My father nearly tried to punch again but I'm standing in between the pair. "You - love - him?" He slowly breathed out as my mother walked up offering to tend to Rafe's bleeding nose giving us a minute alone. "Here I'll fix the bleeding son." Rafe glanced over his shoulder at me as I slumped down on the porch steps, resting my hands together ontop of my chin. "Dad, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. So if you wanna yell or take away someone's badge, let it be mine...not Rafe." I pause staring up at my father who scowled.

"If anyone deserves to get punished it's me, not him. I should've told you about him, about the letters, about everything. Here I'll even give this back..." Reaching into my pants pocket I hold up the golden pin in the sunrise. "I don't deserve it so take it. Do what you want with me." Instead of saying anything my father comes to sit down beside me, closing my hands back around the pin. "Y/n, I'm not firing anyone or taking away this pin. You've earned it so it's yours always. I just need to ask you some things." I simply nod waiting for him to start talking. "Has he hurt you, will he always protect you and is he the one that thought it was a good idea to do barrel rolls at night alone?" Staring into my father's eyes answering back. "He's never hurt me and he'll always protect me. I also didn't know you knew about those nights was simply to get more practice." He pats me on the back just when the front door opens my mother leans down whispering in his ear but I can't hear it.

"I'd like to see you're skills, sweetheart." My parents go inside and Rafe comes to sit beside me on the stairs. "What's this for, baby?" His fingers touching the pin resting in my left palm. I just realized I never sent the letter explaining this because I got the message that he was dead before I could send my letter. "Oh my father gave me this. When he retires he wants me to become captain." Rafe suddenly hugs me tightly with excitement and I can't not help but feel the same. "That's incredible. You're incredible Y/n." I grinned with my dad coming and talking with Rafe on the side. My mother grinned as we watched the pair and I must be over excited because I swear I saw my father slip a ring in Rafe's pocket.

Evelyn and I were walking along the road near the hospital with my parents taking a peaceful drive through the streets. For the past few days I've been getting sick in the mornings and having bad cramps for some reason but haven't had time to go see a doctor. Been too busy practicing my flying skills with Rafe's assistants of course. Danny even tagged along a couple of times showing a move him and Rafe called "Chicken". "Y/n, you really should go to a doctor today. For all you know you could be-" I laughed out the end of her sentence with a smile. "Pregnant, yeah right Eve." She tilts her head at me raising her eyebrows at me. "I'm serious. Have you and Rafe talked about kids?" The wind blows my hair that's partly pulled back with a small clip I stopped walking leaning on the ropes to look out onto the ships in the harbor. "Eve he's only been back a couple weeks. But to answer your question no we haven't. Have you and Danny?" She blushed looking down to the ground suprised I mentioned their relationship. "I haven't told him yet. I just don't want to mess it up." I grinned giving her hope. "Danny will be thrilled."

Off in the distance of the wind my ears picked up something familiar like airplanes. Breaking through the clouds I saw that they're airplanes from Japan. Rushing backwards towards Evelyn I grab her hand dragging her forward as they fly over our heads. Collapsing onto the ground I see one release a bomb on two sailors working on the outside of one of the ships. The airplanes dropped another bomb on one of our other ships before circling around. "They're targeting the harbor. They're targeting Pearl Harbor!" I scream to Evelyn before picking up my feet and running again with her following behind me. Luckily we weren't too far from the hospital so she can scramble on her nurse clothes. "Y/n, where are you going?" She shouts seeing me racing out of the hospital looking for Rafe and Danny. They were training late last night so they'd be sleeping in Danny's car. My heart beats quickly in my chest when I finally see them slowly waking up after more Japanese airplanes flew over their heads. "Rafe, Danny - They're targeting Pearl Harbor!"

"Y/n, what's wrong. Are you hurt or something?" Rafe jumped out of the car, cupping my face feeling my chest heaving up and down. "The Jap's are..." I huffed trying to catch my breath with Danny coming up towards us, slowly asking me. "They're what Y/n?" Croaking out I raced for the car and they followed with Rafe getting in the driver's seat. "Attacking the harbor. We need to get our planes in the air, NOW!" Rafe speeds the car through the streets to the hanger bay but before we can get out of the car the enemy planes fly towards the base. Danny ducks alongside Rafe and I as we watched them blow up multiple men and airplanes. Covering my ears I see them circling back in the sky as Danny started to get up so I yank him backwards. The Japanese make another part of the base explode into flames of fire. "Danny, get me into a damn plane!" Rafe cursed when baring his teeth Danny and I got to our feet rushing off and he follows. Racing towards a plane a shooter in one of the towers grabs my arm when I try to climb into a piolt seat. "You're not authorized in these. Go back to the hospital with the nurses. It's not safe for you!" Rick demanded but I shove him backwards hearing Rafe's plane ready to go. "Get your hands off me Rick. We're in a damn war right now. Screw the rules, I'm getting in the air!"

One of our planes took off but three Japanese planes shot him down. Danny froze in shock, Rafe clutched his eyes closed and I released tears gripping the stick controller. Rafe finally spoke turning to his best friend still frozen in horror. "Danny, start that thing up im not good without a wing man." He fired his up as I punch my airplane into the sky. Danny hollers through his headset. "We got five on our six!" Looking over my shoulder quickly I knew if they shot us down it'd be all over. Flying through the buildings Rafe explains to both of us. "We've gotta spilt them up. You take left ilk take right!" Yelling into my earpiece I reached Earl have two Jap's come out of nowhere following me. "Earl, get some guns in the godamn tower now!" Rafe leads him through two narrow alleys and Danny does a barrel roll blasting one of his down. The two following me come in closer as I monvoered through buildings trying to knock them down. Suddenly I feel them shooting at me so I do barrel rolls towards the ground trying to avoid it.

Looking through the windshield I see a my parents car in the middle of the road with them hiding inside and a Japanese plane flying straight at me. Shit, no, no. Damn Japanese! My dad pulled out his gun shielding my mother and firing at one of the plane behind me wing, but it's not enough. I can already feel tears coming out as I yank the stick upwards making the two Japanese fire at each, slamming into one another and exploding into flames over my parents. Tilting my head down I released heavy tears, death gripping the controls for support. "Y/n, we got all of ours down. How about you?" Rafe's voice calls through my headset but all I can focus on is that my parents dead. "Y/n, Y/n, do you read me - dang it do you read me!" Sucking in a sharp breath with a tightening in my chest I sobbed out a reply. "Rafe, Jap's killed my parents!" He doesn't respond at first as I let more tears go while I sour around multiple buildings up into the clouds. "Y/n lisen to me. Let's head over to battleships row and make these son of a bitches pay!" I nod my head catching up with the two boys. Japanese you have no idea what you've done.

Comments really appreciated :)

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