Secret Moments

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Secretly Rafe and I disappeared from the others at the party since we couldn't show any affection around the others. Once we're outside he leads me to his car and we headed out towards the harbor at night. Helping me out of the car the wind blows through my hair looking out at all the ships in Pearl Harbor. "I'm suprised we've been able to pull this off. I surely thought we'd get caught." Rafe wrapped his arms around me chuckling at my words. "Where's the fun in not trying at all." I smiled up at him enjoying that he's reckless sometimes. Danny warned me about it but it's not an issue for me. Rafe tried to hide his feelings for me the best he could and I him, but I guess fate wants us together. Leaning back into his chest he wraps his arms around me, his chin resting ontop of my head. "Y/n, I just got a great idea." He suddenly pulled away dragging me back towards the car and he drives to the hanger bay. "Rafe, what are you thinking in that head of yours?"

He climbs up into one of the planes and I climbed up onto the ladder still not understanding his plan until he turns on the engine moving for me to sit in the pilots seat. "We're going for a fly. You and me." I feel butterflies in my stomach as he smirks pating the seat with his freehand. "Oh no, Rafe we can't. I'm not allowed  - I've never actually flown one before..." He holds out his other hand staring deeply into my eyes until I give in. "Lisen you have the exact same training like I do. Nobody's here to judge you about or kick me out of the army...." He pauses tilting my chin so I'll actually look him in the face. "Y/n, you won't be up there alone. I'll be right by you if something goes wrong." Biting my lip I put my hand in his sitting in front of the controls. Putting my hands on the stick I slowly tilt it up causing us to roll out the doors. Flipping one of the switches I increase the speed and then yank the stick so we go up into the sky. The wind blows through my hair as we fly through the clouds looking down at the ground a huge grin gets plastered on my face. Thank gosh I've never had a fear of heights or this would be terrible for me. Turning the stick to the right the plane sours over the harbor to which Rafe replied.

"A beautiful sight isn't it. Almost as beautiful as you." I feel my cheeks turn red and I try to keep a steady hand on the controls so we don't crash. "Don't distract the pilot whose flying, McCawley!" I warned him as he slowly reached for the controls suggesting something. "Can I take a turn. I wanna show you something." Reluctantly I let his hands take the controls and at first I think he's not gonna do anything crazy until he does just that. He somehow manages to do flips with the plane where I think I might fall out. So out of fear I wrap my arms around his neck making him chuckle at seeing me scared for the first time ever. "What you've never seen someone barrel roll one of these before." I smake his chest with my freehand scolding him when he finally stopped doing them. "No I haven't. You're crazy Rafe!" He doesn't say anything at first but he suddenly does one more big barrel roll, flying us back to the base. "What the hell Rafe!" I cursed clutching onto him for dear life now. Once we landed he got out of the plane helping me out smirking. "It was fun to see your reaction. It was cute." I started to fire back at him  but voices and flashlights coming towards us in the distance makes me grab his arm dragging him outside.

He hides our bodies in the seats of his car seeing its the night portal inspecting the airplane. "I cannot believe I let you talk me into this. Now we're so going to get caught!" I scold him in a whisper hitting him a few times in his chest. He just keeps smiling at me barley lisening to me being annoyed with him. "You do know you can lose your job right. That they could have your badge right. Are you trying to act like an idiot. Would you stop looking at me like you're gonna kiss me or-" He cuts me off cupping my face in his hands. His lips pressing against mine and I gasped at first feeling my heart rate increasing. But when he started to pull away that's when I kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck to deepen it. I could hardly believe that he's my first kiss. Eventually we break for air huge grins on our faces at what just happened. "Am I still an idiot now, Miss L/n?" Rolling my eyes I want to be angry at him but I just don't have it in me to be. "Yes McCawley you are still an idiot...but your my idiot." He leans forward again kissing and the voices of the patrol officers faded away when I kiss back.

Hours later we're back at my place luckily my dad is out on a date tonight with my mom so the coast is clear. Stepping up onto my front porch I tuck hair behind my ear smiling up at him. He takes my hands in his smiling too as he spoke about our fast paced relationship. "Y/n L/n, these past few weeks have been the best of my life...I love you." My cheeks turned bright red and he blushed too until I see a sad expression appear on his face. "Rafe, what's wrong?" He runs a hand through his hair admitting what he's signed up for. "I'm heading to the war tomorrow, in England. I know that you're probably mad at me for waiting until tonight to really make a move on you. I just wanted to-" I cut him off with a kiss jumping into his arms his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. "You don't have to be sorry about it. This is what you've always wanted to do. Just promise me something." He immediately responded with puppy eyes. "Anything Y/n, just name it." Resting a hand to his cheek I kiss him one more time. "Remember I love you too and come back to me, Rafe McCawley." He kisses my forehead whispering to me. "I promise."

Comments really appreciated :)

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