Coded Letters

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"Dear Y/n, I miss you and I know for a fact you'd love to be here. Seeing the British planes fly into the sky. Sorry the envelope had Danny on it. I - know I can't address them to you. Because of you're father. I can't wait to see you again, I love you Rafe." I had to read it over again because this is the first time he's been able to send something. Folding the letter I put it inside my army jacket grabbing a pen and paper starting to write a response back to him. "Dear Rafe, I've started flying at night on my own since you've left. Thankfully I haven't got caught yet. My father has been teaching me how to lead my own unit of pilots for a few days. I hope you can return home soon, I love you Y/n." The office door opened and I slightly jump seeing its my father. "Who's the letter for honey?" I quickly closed it so he doesn't see Rafe's name. On the envelope I'd written Danny's name since he was okay getting all of our letters, plus the ones he writes to his best friend.

"It's for piolt Daniel Walker. He wanted me to send it to the office since he's busy with training today." Dad simply nodded reaching into his uniform pocket. He stepped up to the desk laying a gold badge designed to look like an airplane down in front of me. "Dad, what exactly is this?" He grins brightly tapping his fingers on the pin. "When I retire I'm assigning you to my ranking office as the Army's airforce captain." I nearly fell out of my chair at hearing him say it without hesitation. Women barely have any jobs right now. There's never been a woman in listed in the military. I've only been allowed here because my father is in charge around here. I never thought I'd get the feeling of excitement like I do about flying for anything else in my life. But knowing I'll be caption one day, flashes through my mind at rapid speed. "Dad I - I don't know what to say. How did you even get this approved." He stares down at me explaining as I get to my feet. "It wasn't easier babygirl. But I convinced management and if anyone has issues. They'll go to the president of USA."

Tackling him in a bear hug I squealed and he hugs me back with the same level of excitement. "Thank you dad. I'll make you proud one day I promise." He brushes hair behind my ear smiling down at me since he's taller than me. "I know you will, kiddo." Hours later I'm sitting outside the post office reading more of Rafe's letters he'd sent. It takes forever for letters to arrive from England to here. But everytime I received one it warms my heart to know he's still alive. I'm not sure if I could handle the idea of Rafe not being around anymore. Opening his most recent letter I snorted at him mentioning our first dance together where I wasn't very good at slow dancing. "Dear Y/n, One of my fellow pilots accidentally tripped on his pack and grabbed the wings plane to not lose his balance. Somehow during this time you flashed through my mind. The memory known as our first dance together as a secret couple. I want to be able to hold you in my arms like that again. Feeling you pressed up against me where you're afraid of falling the wrong way. I love you Y/n and the skies will keep us together always." Brushing hair from my face I can still see the moment playing in my head.

It has only been a week after Rafe protected me from that jerk piolt. Rafe could only wait a week before asking me to be his girlfriend, even though it's in secret. Danny and Evelyn were dancing the night away with the others. While I snuck Rafe up onto the roof of the bar so we could star gaze. I started to sit down in my light orange dress and flats but he holds out his hand offering another idea. "Care to dance, ma'am?" Placing my hand in his he slowly pulls me to my feet. His freehand rests on my waist and mine resting on his shoulder. One other hands intertwined together. The wind slowly blows around us and we can hear the music blaring from all the way up here. But it feels like it's just the two of us and there's no possibility of a war for one night.

"You're shaking why?" Rafe spoke up making me look into his brown eyes searching for why I'm nervous. Tilting my head to the side I lightly blushed at how silly this may sound. "I'm not very good at slow dancing. You're um - this is my first one." I wait for him to laugh at me and say something like how can a beautiful girl like you not have every guy asking to dance with you. "I'm suprised but also honored to be your first." Rafe smiles before I felt raindrops hit my head. Rafe doesn't seem to care as we kept moving our feet and bodies to the music without a care. Although shortly after the rains picked up and my feet slip out from under me.

I released a scream thinking I'm going to hit concrete but instead I feel muscular arms wrapped around my back. Shooting my gaze up I see Rafe's face is closer to me than I expected so I get a lump stuck in my throat. This is the first night he and I have been this close with each other. "You caught me, Rafe." I breathe out in shock hearing him chuckle a little. "I don't think it would've been right to let you fall." He helped me back onto my feet to stand and it's at that point I blurted something out. "Rafe what if there comes a day when you're not there but my side anymore. Not there to protect me or catch when I start to fall?" He wraps his arms around me laying my head onto his chest. "That won't ever happen, Y/n. I'm not going anywhere or leaving you anytime soon...I'm not going to die."

Heading out onto the front porch of my house I struggle to stay awake seeing Danny standing by his chair in the middle of our driveway. A letter in his hands with heavy tears in his eyes. "Danny, what's wrong it's the middle of the night?" I asked my boyfriend's best friend, wrapping my jacket tightly around me more for warmth. Danny can hardly get the words to leave his mouth and I can hardly breath when I hear them. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. Rafe is - Rafe is dead."

Comments really appreciated :)

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