Chapter 32

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After I sang, a bunch of other people went up and I think for the rest of the party I was practically glued to Wade. I was not going to leave his side. I felt so guilty, I hated myself.

When John and Kim finished their song - friends of Andrew and Daisy - there were toasts!

All of Andrew's and Daisy's friends went up to give their toasts and then it was my turn. I squeezed Wade's hand before I went on stage.

I took a deep breath, emptied my mind, clenched the little piece of paper I had written a small speech on, and faked a smile. "Hi everyone," I looked around the whole room and spotted everyone I knew and everyone I didn't know all that much and then I stopped at Daisy and Andrew and smiled.

"You two are... my idols. I look at the both of you and think to myself, 'God, she's so lucky - he's so lucky - they are both so lucky.' Your love story is something out of the books or movies, but it's so real that it's ridiculous: You guys spilled coffee on each other and it was love at first sight," I giggled. "You two stayed by each other through the worst times and the best times. You guys had numerous fights but at the end of the day you would make it work. There's just something so different and unique about the both of you and your relationship together - it works. And I envy that," I started crying a bit. "..You are each other's person. Daisy's person is Andrew, and Andrew's person is Daisy. You both have each other and both cherish every moment together like every day is the honeymoon phase. You both never left the honeymoon phase. I see you guys together and you both fall more in love with each other every day. This is something real that not a lot of people see anymore. I love you both and you will forever be my idols at finding love... I love you!" I chuckled and wiped the tears off my cheeks. Everyone clapped and as I got off the stage, Daisy ran up to me and hugged the crap out of me - and I started crying a little bit again.

She whispered in my ear, "You always had a way with words...I love you, you idiot. And you will find your person, he's around here somewhere." I chuckled and wiped the tears off my cheeks again. Andrew was behind her and he gave me a big hug, whispering that he loved me too.

I sat back at my seat and I knew Wade wanted to talk to me, to see if I was okay. But I wanted to hear the rest of the toasts and, in all honesty, I wanted to forget about it all.


All of the toasts were great; they were funny, cheesy, emotional like mine, and a whole lot of other words! They were about to put the music back on for a while but someone wanted to talk.

I looked up and there was a lot of stumbling and it took a while for Randy to get to the stand - He was drunk. This was not going to be good.

"Hey all. Daisy and Andrew. You two look really good together. I hope that I find someone like that, I really do," Then he started laughing. "...Who am I kidding, no one is out there for me! No one! It's not that I'm not attractive - I mean look at me. No," He started chuckling and started to stumble again. I looked at Wade and we were both concerned.

"...No, it's because I'm joining the army! And by joining the army - I'm practically a dead man! I can't stay committed to any girl; because I'm going to hate that she'll be scared for my life every day! I'm not going to get what you two have! All I've got is a buzz cut and a uniform and a gun - and I'm going to go out there and try and save this country! That's all I got..." Randy started crying. I got up and started walking to the stage. He continued talking and I walked on stage and smiled, "Hey Randy, let's go outside for a walk, okay?" I whispered.

"But, I'm not done yet." He looked at me and he started stumbling again.

"Come on, buddy - just a little walk; get some fresh air, a glass of water." I turned around and Phillip was right behind me. I blinked and turned back to Randy instantly. He looked at the both of us and nodded. Phillip took him by the arm and helped him down the steps.

"... Hi! Um, well what Randy was just trying to say was that, Daisy and Andrew are two lucky people to find each other in this crazy world! And if you love someone as much as they love each other, you should tell that person, because you never know what can happen. You shouldn't wait twenty years to tell that person because life can happen... So, uh, let's make a toast: To Daisy and Andrew!!"

And everyone slowly raised their glasses and toasted along. I put some music on and ran down the steps, quickly apologized to Daisy and Andrew of what just happened and quickly went out to look for Phillip and Randy.

They were outside, sitting on a bench. Randy was drinking water and groaning. Phillip was patting his back softly. I walked up to them and sat next to Phillip.

"...That happened." I said.

"Yup." Phillip said, while Randy groaned in unison.

"At least everyone knows now. You don't have to tell everyone separately. Less of an hassle for you." I said optimistically.

".. Yeah, but I didn't wanna say it like that." Randy snapped, still drunk.

"It sucks, I know. Look, I've had my bad drunken episodes. This is just the beginning pal. All you can do is realize what you did - happened and try and move on from it - start fresh. I mean tomorrow is a new day." Phillip said.

I couldn't help but think that he was talking about us as well as Randy.

"...You'll regret it and hate yourself for it. But, you can't help it. You can't change the past." I said slowly looking up at Phillip. "... Just move on and pretend it never happened." I finished and Phillip's face reaction changed in a split second. He turned back at Randy.

"I'm going to go and see if I can make you that drink my dad always made when he got drunk." I said getting up. Randy just groaned and Phillip didn't say anything to me and he didn't even look at me.

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Hey! How was that! Secrets coming out! And come on, be honest - how many of yall shed a tear as you read Stef's little toast! I know I did while writing it! It's something I would say to any of my friends getting married!

Tell me what you think by commenting below and please vote!! Tell your friends! How are yall liking these last few chapters?

Bye Lovelies! <3

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