Chapter 2

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I must have dozed off, because I woke up to have my jeans pocket buzzing like crazy.


"Hey babe, how's your family? How are Danny and the rest of your friends?" I was still in sleep mode so it took a few seconds to realize who I was talking to.

"Uh, the family is okay, and my friends they're still at college. Their coming on the 15th, I thought I told you."

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" He asked

"It's alright. You always woke me up. It's your specialty." I laughed. He chuckled.

"Yes. It is. Is everything alright?" He always knew when I was down, even if he's not here. He just knew his other specialty.

"Ugh. My family told me something yesterday when I came home. And it's not good news at all."

"What sweetie?"

"My mom's in the hospital. She has brain cancer."

"Oh Stef, are you going to see her today. It's 10 in the morning." He said.

"Yeah, I will, after I eat. Wade, I miss her so much. I don't know what to do. She wasn't home, and when I got the news, I-"

"Stef, you're going to get through this."

"I love you, Wade." I said whispering through my phone.

"I love you too, ace." He said passionately. I loved the way he always called me ace.

I heard a crash through the phone and some yelling. "Oh man, Adam just dropped something. I got to help him. I'll see you later."

"You should come the day all my friends come over, we can tell them then."

"Alright, bye Stef."

I hung up and laid down on the bed and sighed. Today, I am determined to see my mom.

I looked around and saw my suitcases surrounding me. A set of my clothes was laid out next to my bed for me. Oh Daisy, what could I do without you. I went to the bathroom and freshened up, and slipped on my outfit and went back to my room.

Taking out my laptop from my laptop bag, I check my blog. Yes, I still do go on it, and I have Phillip to thank for. I have more fans than before. I found out about this band, R5. They are a family band, and are really awesome. I love their music and their silliness. I've been pretty much obsessed with them. I would talk more about them, but maybe another time. I've been dying to go to one of their concerts. They are in their east coast tour currently, and I'd kill to go to the New York one or New Jersey during Ross's birthday, one of the band members.

I got lots of comments and decided to update Twitter. I wrote that I got home yesterday afternoon, and that I'm ready for a new day.

After sending the tweet, my door opens and enters Daisy.

"I knew you would look rocking, in that outfit." She said gloating.

"Well, you are a fashion designer." I grinned.

"How are you holding up? I'm sorry we had to throw all that news on you in one day." She said while sitting down on the end of my bed.

"It's okay. I was the one that wanted to know. I wouldn't stop asking until you guys told me. But I now know the truth. It's okay. I'm fine." I said.

"Okay. Are you hungry?" She asked. I was about to answer but my stomach answered for me, with the noise it made. Daisy laughed.

"I guess that's a yes." She was about to walk out when she asked, "Who were you talking to on the phone? Was it... Phillip??" She asked. There's the Daisy I know and loved. She loves all the juicy romantic stuff.

"Uh..." I didn't know what to say. I can't tell her. I promised Wade we would tell everyone together.

"Cause I heard you said and I quote, "I love you too." How is Phillip?"

"Uh, he's fine. He's coming next Saturday. They all are." I kept it vague. I didn't want to lie to her and say it was Phillip because it wasn't. So I didn't answer that part of her question.

"What college does he go to again?" She asked.

"He goes to NYU with Mary."

"Okay, well come on downstairs, we made blueberry pancakes just for you." She said cheery.

"I'll be down in a minute. Give me a sec."

She nodded and left. I took a deep breath.

I was about to leave when I saw notifications on my Twitter. Danny and Phillip replied to my tweet.

Danny wrote: say hey to the family for me! I'm coming in a week! We're all gonna have a bomb together!

Phillip wrote: can't wait to you. I missed you a lot. Got awesome news to tell ya! One week!

I took another deep breath and closed my laptop and went downstairs.

The sweet smell of blueberry pancakes filled the air. I was dying to dig in! I haven't eaten anything other than plane food, and that is never good.

I scoffed down 2 pancakes and tempted on getting my third one but Derek stopped me.

"Hey, don't even think about it. That's for me. You got your 2." He said jokingly. I pouted and went to wash my dish.

"Stef, I'm sorry about yesterday- we all are. We didn't plan for any-" I stopped him from going and further. Turning around I said, "It's alright. I demanded on knowing what has happened to mom. I knew you guys had planned when you were gonna tell me, but I just..." I couldn't think of what to say next.

"I understand." Derek said. He started eating his pancakes.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"He's in the living room with Daisy and Rocky." He said having his mouth full of pancakes.

"Chad?" I asked. I wanted everyone to be together so I can ask if I can go see mom.

"I think sleeping, why so many questions?" He asked. I put my plate in the rake and turned around leaning against the sink. Drying my hands I said, "I wanted everyone together so I can ask if I could go see mom." Daisy and Rocky were walking in with their plates when they heard what I had to say.

"You want to see mom? It's kind of early; I mean you just came home." Daisy said.

"That's perfect. Wouldn't you want to see mom if you haven't seen here in so long?" I said defending myself.

"Honey, mom's not looking too good. You really want to see her like that?" Dad came in.

"Well, when can I see her? When we're at her funeral? No!" I said exclaiming. Why did they not want me to see her? She's my mom. I haven't seen her in a year. I miss her.

"No, we didn't mean it like that, Stef. We just don't want to see either of you two crying." Derek said.

"Who said anything about crying? I'm not gonna cry in front of her. I promise. I just want to see me mom. It's been so long." Dad walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, go. But I have a meeting. So I won't be able to come. Daisy can drive. Take Chad with you. Be good, alright." I nodded and hugged my dad.

|∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞|

Hey! I know this was kind of short and boring but the beginning's are always boring. It's going to get crazy, just be a little patient. I'm going to try to upload another chapter tomorrow, but it is Monday and I do have school, so I'll try. If I do upload it, it'll be up at 7PM eastern time.

What did you think of this chapter? All you Phillip and Steffani shippers are probably hating me right now. But just continue reading. You'll grow into loving Wade and Stef.

Tell your friends to read the first story and then this, it would mean a lot to me, and keep voting! And tell me what yo guys think by commenting! I will so reply to you guys!!

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