Chapter 18

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I watched as she ran out. she was troubled, worried about. Something. But she has everything going for her. I sighed and walked inside Mitch was in the kitchen vloging with Jerome and Adam. I just walked passed them and went to the fridge to get a bottle of water. 

"Athena say hi to the camera!" Mitch said. 

"Hi camera!" I laughed waving as i walked up stairs. I started to sing Titanium by David Guetta. Once finally making my way to my room i shut the door, grabbed my laptop and plugged it into my keyboard. I started up garage band and made a remix. I created layer after layer to the remix and after a few hours i decided to play it through out the house. Over the past few weeks i became very handy with singing, playing the key board and making remixes. I post the good ones on my channel. Once the blue tooth loaded my voice filled the house. I ran down the stairs to be greeted to everyone in the kitchen. Lizzie and Jason were keeping there space. I could see she just came back from her run. Everyone looked at me.

"Is this you?" Adam asked

"Yeah i just made it." I said smiling as i leaned up against the counter.

"Its really good babe." Mitch said smiling at me. I smiled and walked outside onto the porch. I liked to let my mind wander, my thoughts run away for a while. But i never really knew why i liked this. It was like standing idle or sleeping with your eyes open. I just wanted to be alone for a while and just. think. I wanted to remember everything from my younger years. To remember my family, my brothers, my sister, my parents. But its all gone now. Just a faded memory. Thats the thing isnt it? You want something but its never going to happen. A one time thing. But as i say "Life is like and aiirport and your just waiting for an oppertunity to fly."

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