Chapter 6

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~Athena's POV~

I sat in the field looking at the sky. Aria ran off some where. All of a sudden i started hearing things.




I stood up walking into the woods where i was hearing my name. I pulled out a pocket knife and held it in my hands. I walked a long way not losing my direction. the voice kept becoming louder and louder. I ran faster and faster. I stopped and looked around, I was on the top of a hill. I ran down but then i tripped and landed on my face. I held my Nose as it started to bleed i looked behind me to find out what i tripped on, I found something i never wanted to see. A body. I stood up and brushed off any dirt or leaves. I took a step closer to find out it was my best friend, Aria...I fumbled with my phone as i took i dialed Mitch.


"Athena whats wrong?"


"Athena i can't help if i don't know whats wrong."

"I don't know whats wrong. I found Aria." I said as blood dripped onto my shirt

"Where are you?"

"Go northeast into the woods and keep going. Bring the team please." I said

"Okay i'm coming baby girl."

"Hurry." I whispered.

"Okay here's Jason."


"Hey is she breathing?"

"Yeah." I said as i looked at her chest moving slowly.

"Look it's going to be okay."

"Nothing's Okay Jason."


Then the line went dead. I paniced and started to pace, then again tripping on my face I looked at myself in my phone, A scratch on my left cheek, my nose was bleeding and i had a bruise on my right temple. I then heard leaves moving around so i got in a pission. I then threw the knife.

"OMG!" I heard someone squele. I stood up just to see my knife blazed Mitch's left ear.

I walked over to him and grabbed my knife. I started to lead them to Aria.

"How did you find her?" Adam asked

"I heard my name and i tripped on her and i fell on my face..."

I stopped a few feet away from Aria, her barley breathing body was Limp. I wasn't going to cry. nope I never waist my tears. Jason walked up to Aria and Picked her up bridal style. Okay let me tell you about Jason he may be small but dam he's strong.

I started to get another vision.


I was in the woods screaming. I had no idea why. I then Saw Mitch run up to me, engulfing me into a hug.

"Mitch." I whispered.

"Baby girl where here together Keep Quiet." He whispered. People started to surrounded us. I tried to use my powers but it was no use.

"Who are you." A voice boomed behind me. I quickly turned still holding Mitch's hand

"I'm Athena." I whispered

He loaded his gun and pointed it at me. "Good." he said at he shot me in the lower stomach. I fell to the ground have trouble breathing. The people walked away looking at there feet.

"I'm sorry." I said closing my heavy eye lids.

"Me too." He whispered before i fell into deep darkness

*End of vision*

I blinked back to reality and i was on the ground with Adam, Mitch and Jerome over head.

"Yeah im fine." I said getting up.

"I'll telport to my jeep and bring it to the edge of the woods. I said brushing off.

"Bring me with you." Mitch said grabbing my hand


"Get in!" I yelled as i saw Jason, Adam, Ian, Ty, and Jerome. Jerome, Adam, Ian and Ty went in another car. while Jason got in the Jeep with Aria in his arms. I started to drive to the road. going at least 60 MPH. I Drifted as i made turns to make it to the hostpital.

"Are you okay?" Mitch asked touching the bruise on my temple.

"No i'm not okay." I said a little annoyed.


We were waiting in the waiting room until a nurse came out.

"Hi Your here for Aria correct."

"Yes." I said looking up.

"Well she was in a Coma but it was very light so we got to wake her up, shes sleeping right now from the surgarey but you can see her."

I got up and rushed into her room. I slowly crept into her room being careful not to make any sound. Mitch, and Jason came in with me as the others waited outside. Just then Aira's eyes fluttedred open.

"Mitch go get the others." I said.

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