Chapter 10

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~Athena's POV~

I was dancing to the song East of Eden by Zella Day. Once i was done i heard clapping. I turned around to see Mitch in the door way. I was currently only in a sport bra and shorts, so yeah.

"You were good." Mitch said with a smirk.

"I'm going to smack that smirk off if you don't take it off." I said. He stopped to smiled

"Well that was good." He said.

"Thanks iv'e been working on it."

He walked out of my room. I shrugged and started to listen to more music.


"Hey." Jerome said walking into my room.

"Hey, whats up?" I asked.

"I need you're help." He said facing me. I turned to him

"A girl?"

"Yeah, Since Aria is broken i thought, you've dated a lot of guys in you're time why not just ask you."

"Well what do you want to do?"

"I don't know that's the thing."

"We can use my old apartment i still haven't sold it."

"That would be great!" Jerome said standing up.

"Lets go get it set up." I said grabbing my car keys and my wallet.


"Looks good, now foods ready, i'll serve it. You're lucky i used to be a waitress and still have my uniform." I said Pointing out the white button up shirt, un-done bow tie, and black jeans.

"Well thank you, it looks like it would be my house."

"Well you look great just be you're self."

"Okay thanks i'm going to go get her, just be ready." He said

"Look, don't worry i have it all under control."


"Tonight's specials are, {Insert fancy dinner here}" I said with a posh accent.

"Wow Jerome how much did you spend on this." Jerome's date Lalia said.

"Anything for you." He said. I smiled and walked out. I let out a big breath as i sit down at one of the stools in the kitchen. I texted Mitch.

'Hey You know Jerome has a lady friend.' I sent

'Wait, What? I though merome was forever' Mitch replied.

'Haha well i'm bored as shit,' I sighed as i got up an brang the water pitcher, i filled both there glasses with water and walked out.

'Well you still have another hour. Did Jerome make sure to put on extra cheese today?'

'I made sure of it'


"Thank you." Jerome said hugging me.

"You're welcome, i'm going to go home meet you there?" I asked

"Yeah i'm gonna clean up a bit."

"Ok bye." I said Walking out. I drove home quickly wanting to take off the heels i was wearing. I got home and ran inside, Then went to my room to change. I was now in leggings, and a sweater.

"Knock knock." Mitch said walking in.


"So how was jerome's Lady friend." Mitch asked with a smirk.

"She's cool her names Laila."

"Are you okay?"


"What wrong you haven't been you're self since the camping trip."

"Well no duh, but there's nothing wrong just tired." I said yawning.

"Well I can fix that." Mitch said picking me up.

"Mitch let me down!" I said as he stopped walking.

"Fine." He said throwing me on my bed. I landed face first. I flipped over and started to laugh. I stood up in-front of Mitch and looked him in the eye trying not to laugh.

"You know you're beautiful." He whispered.

My heart skipped a beat. "Don't tell yourself things that aren't true." I whispered.

"You know we have known each other for so long." He said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I know, about 4 years." I said

"Iv'e been waiting forever."

"for what?" I asked

"To do this." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me. At first i tensed up, then i let loose and kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck.

We both parted for a lose of air.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said putting my head on his shoulder running my fingers through his hair.

"You should get some sleep."

"But i want to stay here with you." I whispered. Backing up.

"I stay." He whispered picking me up and placing me down on my bed. He laid down on the other side and turned off the light. That night i barely slept knowing the love of my life was right there next to me.

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